
Motorcycle road rules

Motorcyclists must follow rules on lane filtering, riding with passengers, and using transit and bus lanes.

You may be fined if you ignore road rules.  

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You must wear a helmet when you ride.  

Lane filtering

Lane splitting is when motorcycles travel between two lanes of fast-moving traffic. It’s illegal in Victoria.  

Lane filtering is legal in Victoria. It involves a motorcycle or scooter travelling between two lanes of slow moving or stationary traffic at up to 30 km/h. 

When you can lane filter

You can lane filter in all speed zones if it’s safe, and you’re:

  • between lines of traffic travelling in the same direction
  • between vehicles travelling in the same direction in adjacent marked lanes
  • between parked cars and traffic
  • moving through to the front of an intersection.

You can’t lane filter if there’s a sign saying you can’t, or you’re:

  • in a bicycle lane, shared path, or shoulder of the road
  • between traffic and a kerb
  • between lanes of traffic travelling in opposite directions
  • a learner. 

Miniature motorcycles (monkey bikes)

You can’t ride miniature motorcycles - also known as monkey bikes - on public roads, footpaths or nature strips. You can be fined and get demerit points for riding a miniature motorcycle in these areas.

Miniature motorcycles or monkey bikes don’t meet the standards required to be a registered vehicle. 

Pillion passengers

A pillion passenger sits on the motorcycle behind you. If you're riding with a pillion passenger, they must:

  • sit behind you  
  • sit with a leg on each side of the motorcycle
  • face forward
  • keep both feet on the foot pegs provided for them.

You can’t ride a motorcycle with:

  • more than one pillion passenger  
  • more passengers in a sidecar than it is designed to carry  
  • a child under 8 years old, unless they are in a sidecar.

It's not illegal for you to transport an animal on a motorcycle. However, you should read the animals and driving guidelines before doing so.  

Riding with others

When riding with other motorcyclists, you can only ride two abreast - two riders side by side. You can't ride more than 1.5 metres apart. 

Special lane use

Lane typeWhat motorcyclits can do
  • Tram lanes
  • Bus lanes
  • Bicycle lanes
  • Other lanes for special vehicles

You can't ride your motorcycle in these lanes unless:

  • there's a sign saying you can
  • other road rules let you (for example, when you're turning at an intersection).
Transit and special purpose lanes

Transit lanes are lanes dedicated to buses, taxis, motorcycles or trams. They are most often found on freeways.

You can ride your motorcycle in a transit lane.

Hoddle Street bus lane

Motorcyclists can use the Hoddle Street bus lane between:

  • the Eastern Freeway
  • the southern side of Victoria Parade.

Motorcycles are allowed to ride in this part of the Hoddle Street bus lane because it's safe for motorcycles to ride there. Safety measures include:

  • warning signs to look out for motorcyclists in the bus lanes
  • an intersection with traffic lights at Hoddle Street and Abbot Grove. 

Rules for motorcycle riders

The rules for motorcycles are in the Road Safety Road Rules 2017.

Sections relating to rules mentioned on this page include:

  • 146 - Driving within a single marked lane or line of traffic  
  • 151 - Riding a motor bike or bicycle alongside more than 1 other rider
  • 151A and B - Lane filtering
  • 156 - Transit lanes
  • 197 - Stopping on a path, dividing strip or nature strip
  • 270 - Wearing motor bike helmets
  • 271 - Riding on motorbikes and motorcycles