Mobile phones and devices

Device rules for drivers with a full licence

Fully licenced drivers must not touch or use an unmounted mobile phone or device while driving or riding. Learn more about the specific rules for each device type.

General rules for all devices

Drivers with a full licence can use a mobile phone or device to make or receive a phone call, use audio and music functions, use GPS navigation or use in-built driver assistance or vehicle safety features.  

However, the device must be properly mounted or in-built to the vehicle.

While driving, riding or operating a vehicle, you must not:

  • enter information, text, numbers or symbols (unless using voice control)
  • scroll on the device - such as scrolling through text messages, social media, music playlists
  • view text messages, social media, emails, websites or photos
  • watch videos, play games or take video calls.

These rules apply to all kinds of mobile phones, devices and technologies, whether portable, wearable, mounted or built into the vehicle.