Alcohol drugs and driving

Drink and drug driving behaviour change program

Behaviour change programs (BCP) help people who drink and or drug drive make safer driving choices.

Completing a BCP is a requirement for anyone who's committed either a drink, drug or combined drink and drug-driving offence before they can apply to get their licence back.

Other serious driving offences that require mandatory BCP training include dangerous or negligent driving involving police pursuit.

If you have been court ordered to attend a safe driving BCP for a hoon offence, it’s a separate type of behaviour change program from this one.

What are the programs?

Behaviour change programs are designed to help you identify the underlying reason for your drink and or drug-driving offence and identify ways to reduce the risk of re-offending and help you to:

  • identify the reasons you drink- and or drug-drive
  • explore the consequences of drink and or drug driving
  • look at ways to ensure you don’t drink and or drug-drive again. 

There are three types of behaviour change programs depending on the type of offence.

All programs must be done in person.

To complete your BCP, you’ll need to participate in all program components, including:

  • contributing to group discussion
  • participating in all activities
  • completing the participant handbook
  • completing the alcohol use/drug use questionnaire to determine if you require further support.

The facilitator may provide you with a referral for further support to assist you with any alcohol or other drug problems.

If you meet all the participation requirements at the end of the program, you’ll receive a certificate of completion which you bring with you to VicRoads to apply to get your licence back.

Which program do I need to do?

The type of BCP you need to complete depends on the details of your offence.

If you commit a drink or drug-driving offence, you will get a letter from VicRoads with information about which BCP you should enrol in.

Use this letter to guide you when booking a program as you must complete the right program to get your licence back.

If you have not received a letter or if you’re not sure about which program to complete, contact Driver Relicensing Services on 1300 723 790.

Behaviour change programOffence details
Drink driver program

Complete this if:

  • you were caught drink-driving with a blood or breath alcohol concentration (BAC) of less than 0.15,
  • it was your first offence and
  • you didn’t have drugs in your system
Drug driver program

Complete this if:

  • you were caught driving with illicit drugs in your system and
  • it was your first offence
Intensive drink and drug driver program

Complete this if:

  • it was your second or subsequent drink or drug-driving offence
  • your BAC was 0.15 or more
  • you had both alcohol and drugs in your system
  • you were charged with a refusal offence for alcohol and or other drugs testing
  • you were charged with driving while impaired (DWI)
  • you were charged with driving under the influence (DUI)
  • you were charged with a serious motor vehicle offence involving alcohol and/or other drugs, e.g. culpable driving
  • you were charged with dangerous or negligent driving involving police pursuit
  • you were charged with theft or attempted theft of a motor vehicle

You must complete a behaviour change program for every offence, including the Intensive Drink and Drug Driving Behaviour Change program, even if you have completed the program before.

To find out more about what other penalties would apply to you after a drink or drug-driving offence, see drink-driving penaltiesdrug-driving penalties, or combined drink and drug-driving penalties.


Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) is undertaking a survey across November 2024 to May 2025 to evaluate its Behaviour Change Programs. 

Quantum Market Research is conducting the survey on DTP’s behalf. Quantum may invite you to undertake this survey via email or text message, or possibly phone. Participation in the short survey is voluntary. If you are invited to participate, DTP would be most grateful if you complete the survey.

If needed read the Quantum Market Research privacy policy.

Program cost

Before booking your program with a BCP provider, you should check their fees first. Providers may charge slightly different fees, so we recommend contacting different organisations to compare costs.

All providers include a cost recovery fee into their total price. The fee is $67, or $34 for eligible concession card holders. The provider sends this amount to the Department of Transport and Planning to help manage the programs. This fee is collected prior to attending the program and is additional to the provider’s cost to deliver the program.

Find a provider

Find your nearest behaviour change program providers by entering a suburb or postcode in the box below.


Search for a Behaviour Change Provider

If you've committed a drink or drug-driving offence you'll need to complete a Behaviour Change Program (BCP).

You'll receive a letter from us following your offence that has important information about enrolling in the right program. Please have this letter with you when booking into the BCP.

Search for your nearest BCP for further information and contact details.

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Program overview

As part of a BCP, you must:

  • contribute to group discussions
  • join in all activities
  • complete the participant handbook
  • complete the alcohol use/drug use questionnaire, to make sure you have the support you need.

The program facilitator may give you a referral for more support with alcohol and drug problems.

If you meet all the participation requirements you get a certificate when you finish the program.

Program details

Program nameSession detailsMaximum number of participants
Drink driver program

Two sessions, one week apart.

  • Each session runs for 3.5 hours and includes a break.
Drug driver program

Two sessions, one week apart. 

  • Each session runs for 3.5 hours and includes a break.
Intensive drink and drug driver program

Four sessions, over three weeks.

  • Three 3.5-hour sessions, each including a break.
  • A one-on-one counselling session with the facilitator before the third group session.
2-hour Pre-interlock removal program

In groups, participants share their alcohol interlock experience, including:

  • positive changes
  • challenges they encountered.

Participants revisit the behaviour change plan they completed before they got an alcohol interlock. They discuss potential risks of drink-driving when the alcohol interlock device is removed and develop strategies to prevent drink-driving in the future.


Becoming a Drink & Drug Driver BCP provider

If you are interested in becoming a approved BCP Provider please email [email protected] for more information