Tell us about your medical condition or disability
Victorian drivers are required to tell Medical Review if they have any serious, permanent or long term illness, disability, condition or injury that may affect their ability to drive safely.
Driving is a privilege, which brings responsibilities. One of those responsibilities is to ensure that you are capable of driving safely.
Ask your doctor for advice about the effect that any illness, disability or medical condition may have on your ability to drive safely, including any medicines you may be taking.
Failure to report a medical condition or disability may put your life and the lives of others at risk, and may also jeopardise your insurance cover.
Tell Medical Review about your medical condition
To report a serious, permanent or long-term illness, disability, medical condition or injury to Medical Review, ask your doctor to complete a medical report online or they can complete a paper version and forward it to:
- Email: [email protected]
- Post: Medical Review, GPO Box 2392, Melbourne Victoria 3001
(Please allow up to 10 days for correspondence to be received by post.) - Fax: 9854 2307
Learn more about cancelling or surrendering your driver’s licence.
Driver responsibilities
Each driver has a responsibility to:
- remind health professionals (doctors, specialists, eye doctors and pharmacists) that they drive
- ask if any medical condition may affect the ability to drive safely and if it should be reported to Medical Review
- ask if any medicine being taken could affect their ability to drive safely. A pharmacist can advise how any new medicine can interact with others being taken
- ask if alternative medical treatments might improve their driving safety
- monitor their medical condition for changes
- some short term health conditions or medical treatments (e.g. medications, eye drops for screening tests, anaesthesia) may be associated with side effects and/or alter your capacity to drive safely. Always check with your doctor about whether you should stop driving and for how long.
Permanent or long term illness, disability, injury or medical condition
If any driver has a serious, permanent or long term illness, disability, medical condition or injury, or an existing condition that deteriorates, they must:
- talk to a doctor about how it might affect their driving
- contact Medical Review to report their condition
- send Medical Review a medical report from a doctor who knows their medical history.