Online medical report information update
Health professionals can access the online medical report via:
Two form types are available:
- medical - for GPs and medical specialists
- eyesight - for ophthalmologists and optometrists.
Benefits of online medical report
Intuitive: Can be tailored to select only fields relevant to your patient. If your patient is referred by Medical Review, some patient details and previously advised medical details are pre-populated.
Compliant: It’s a “smart” report that includes hyperlinks to the Austroads Assessing Fitness to Drive (AFTD) standards.
Easy: Allows you to save a draft to submit later. Download or print a PDF copy of the final report after submitting. Automatically generates a reference number once submitted for your patients easy follow up with Medical Review.
Secure and time efficient: Submit reports and attachments securely, with no paperwork and no incomplete or late or lost reports.
Customised: An individual practitioner “home page” enables you to access all your draft and completed patient reports from the previous two years.
Step by step guide for health professionals
When you've got to
1. Sign up/Log in
If this is your first time using the online medical report, you'll need to create an account using your name, Ahpra number, DOB, email address and mobile number, which will be used for multi factor authentication (MFA).
After you have created your account, all subsequent log ins will require you to enter your email address, password and MFA token (sent to your mobile).
You won't need to re-enter your Ahpra number or DOB for subsequent log ins, as authentication will be done in the background.
2. Select the appropriate form
- medical report: for general practitioners and medical specialists, including psychiatrists
- eyesight report: for ophthalmologists and optometrists.
3. Enter the patient details
Please include the Medical Review case number and your patient reference or licence number (located on top left corner of the Medical Review letter sent to patient).
This matches the report to the correct driver record and pre-populates the form with customer information already known to Medical Review.
If you do not have the patient’s Medical Review letter/details, check the box to advise and complete the patient details manually.
4. Assessment
Please apply the AFTD guidelines to your decision making in the patient’s assessment section.
5. Recommendation
Complete this mandatory section with your recommendation about the patient’s fitness to drive.
6. Submit the report
Once you have reviewed the information you can submit the assessment. You'ill be notified that the assessment has been submitted and a reference number will be automatically generated.
It’s important that the reference number and/ or a PDF copy of the medical assessment report be provided to your patient as this is their reassurance that they have fulfilled their obligations and can be used for any follow up with Medical Review.
Frequently asked questions
Download a PDF of this page: information update - online medical report (PDF).
Contact Medical Review
Email: [email protected]
Call: (03) 8391 3226
Fax: (03) 9854 2307
Mail: Medical Review
PO Box 2504