Driver history handbooks and logbooks

Driver handbooks and logbooks

Find out about the driver handbooks and logbooks used in Victoria.

You can get all of our handbooks and log books:

You can get a driver's licence at VicRoads.

Learner drivers

The Road to Solo Driving handbook (PDF) lists road rules that will help you drive safely on the road. Use this handbook as a guide for your learners and driver licence tests.  Download the handbook in other languages.

Use our guides and log book to prepare for your probationary licence.

You'll get the learner kit when you pass your learner permit knowledge test and pay the learner permit fee at a VicRoads customer service centre:

Learner drivers must log their driving hours, either using:

  • the learner log book
  • the myLearners app.

View more information on how to get your learner permit.

Download the myLearners app

The myLearners App lets you or your supervising driver log your driving hours online, instead of in a paper log book. If you’ve used your log book and switch to the app, keep the log book so you can get it verified before your drive test.


View more on the myLearners website.

Join our Facebook group

Join the conversation on our Facebook group for:

  • driving tips
  • checklists
  • a safe place to ask questions about learning to drive
  • info on updates to the app.

Content posted by Facebook group members does not reflect our views or opinions. Any responses to questions/queries are not legal advice. Seek your own legal advice for your particular situation.

Replacing a lost or damaged log book

If you lose or damage your log book, you can buy a new one. You’ll need to:

  1. re-enter your supervised driving sessions in a replacement log book
  2. get your supervising driver to sign it.

The declaration of completion at the end of the book also needs to be signed by both you and your supervising driver. VicRoads won’t accept photocopied pages to prove you’ve completed your hours.

Probationary drivers

If you are a probationary driver, the probationary kit explains all the rules affecting you and has information for your parents.

The probationary kit is free and is given to you when you pass your drive test at a  VicRoads customer service centre.

Read about learner and probationary driver road rules, including probationary licence restrictions.

Bus and truck drivers

The Victorian bus and truck drivers handbook (PDF) sets out the legal and road safety requirements for drivers of buses and trucks. It's only available in English.

It helps bus and truck licence applicants to:

  • know what is required by industry to operate buses and trucks
  • know the specific laws applicable to heavy vehicles
  • understand the requirements needed to gain a bus and truck licence.

View more on heavy vehicle training and assessment providers.

Motorcycle riders

The Victorian rider handbook (PDF) helps you prepare for the motorcycle learner permit knowledge and licence tests. It's only available in English.

The Victorian rider handbook outlines:

  • road law information relating to motorcycle use
  • motorcycle road craft
  • motorcycle safe driving practices.

The handbook provides information in the following sections:

  • Section A: Getting ready (road law for motorcyclists and licensing requirements)
  • Section B: On the road (the right gear/bike, being seen, safe control of the bike)
  • Section C: Staying alive (safe distances, handling difficult surfaces, riding at night, carrying passengers/goods)
  • Section D: Here's trouble (dealing with emergencies and bike security).

Club permit log book

If you have a club permit on your vehicle, you must keep a logbook. You can get a club permit logbook from VicRoads customer service centres.

Replacing a log book

If you lose a club permit log book, you can buy a replacement log book by bringing these items to a VicRoads customer service centre:

VicRoads statutory declaration form (PDF)

The form needs to:

  • explain why you are getting a replacement log book
  • how many entries in the previous logbook were completed at the time the log book was lost
  • be signed and lodged by the club permit holder.
Statement from your club or association

All club permit holders must be part of an approved club or association. The statement must:

  • show the club knows you have completed a statutory declaration for a replacement logbook
  • confirm you are a financial member of the club
  • confirm the club has noted your request for a replacement logbook
  • be signed by the secretary (or other authorised person) of the club or association.