
Princes Highway (Murray Street), Colac - Black Spot Program

The Australian Government has invested $1.9 million under the Black Spot Program to improve safety on Princes Highway (Murray Street) between Armstrong Street and Polwarth Street in Colac.

Project status:


Update – December 2024

New electronic speed limit signs have been installed and activated between Armstrong Street and Polwarth Street. 

Upcoming works are planned to deliver a pedestrian refuge on Murray Street between Polwarth Street and Queen Street, making it safer for pedestrians to pause between lanes of traffic while crossing the road.

Future planned works include upgrading traffic lights on Murray Street, with right-turn arrows. Right-turn arrows will make these four intersections safer for vehicles and pedestrians:

  • Queen Street
  • Gellibrand Street
  • Corangamite Street
  • Grant Street/Hart Street.

We’ll provide updates on this stage of the program once schedules are confirmed.


We’re working along Murray Street in Colac to improve access and safety for all road users.

Murray Street is the main road through Colac with up to 15,000 vehicles travelling every day, including around 1900 heavy vehicles. This includes High Productivity Freight Vehicles such as quad-semi trailers and A-triple road trains.

There were 24 crashes in the five-year period between 2014 and 2019, resulting in 10 serious injuries and two lives lost.


Benefits of this project include:

  • improved safety for all road users
  • a daytime speed limit reduction, to reflect the busy nature of Murray Street for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles sharing the road
  • safer pedestrian crossing opportunities
  • renewed signs and line-marking.

Get in touch

Call: 133 778

Email: [email protected]