Princes Highway intersection upgrades in Traralgon
We’re upgrading two key intersections on the Princes Highway in Traralgon.
This includes:
- Princes Highway East – Princes Highway and Bank Street Intersection Upgrade, Traralgon, with the Australian Government committing $6.42 million.
- Princes Highway East - Princes Highway and Kosciuszko Street Intersection Upgrade, Traralgon Kosciuszko Street, with the Australian Government committing $6.73 million.
Both upgrades will have traffic lights installed along with pedestrian crossings and are part of the Australian Government’s $316.3 million commitment to upgrade the Princes Highway Corridor in Victoria.
Update - May 2024
Bank Street
The road upgrades at the Bank Street intersection are complete and traffic signal poles have been installed.
The traffic signals require a communications link with the adjacent railway crossing on Bank Street to ensure they are coordinated with the railway crossing signals when a train is approaching.
The Bank Street railway crossing is being upgraded as part of the Gippsland Line Upgrade works.
The Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) is investigating interim measures at this intersection to improve road safety, ahead of the final communications link with the railway crossing signals.
As part of these interim measures, DTP has modified some line marking and will trim vegetation at the intersection to improve visibility for drivers.
A new 60km/h speed limit will also be implemented from early June along both carriageways of this section of the Princes Highway, to improve road safety while the linking of the road and rail signals is being completed.
Kosciuszko Street intersection upgrade
All major works to upgrade the Kosciuszko Street intersection are complete and the traffic lights are now in operation.
Pedestrian underpass
The pedestrian underpass beneath the Gippsland Rail Line linking Kosciuszko Street and Bank Street is currently being designed in partnership with V/Line.
It is anticipated that the design will be finalised and approved for construction by late 2024 at which time programming of construction can be coordinated with V/Line and the Gippsland Line Upgrade project team.
This underpass will provide a safer way for pedestrians to cross the rail line and the Princes Highway.
Project details
Safety improvements at the Princes Highway and Bank Street intersection include:
- installation of traffic lights at the intersection of Princes Highway and Bank Street
- a new signalised pedestrian crossings
- an acceleration lane for traffic entering the highway
- a right-hand turn lane on Bank Street
- a longer right-turn lane from the highway on to Bank Street
- a footpath linking Bank Street to the Traralgon Golf Course.
Safety improvements at the Princes Highway and Kosciuszko Street intersection include:
- installation of traffic lights at the intersection of the Princes Highway and Kosciuszko Street to balance traffic flow
- dedicated left and right-hand turn lanes on Kosciuszko Street for traffic entering the Princes Highway
- the turn lanes from the Princes Highway at Kosciuszko Street will be lengthened and be controlled by green and red arrow traffic signals.
Get in touch
For more information about this project, please get in touch:
- Email: [email protected]
- Call: 133 778
- Write:
Department of Transport and Planning
PO Box 158
Traralgon 3844
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