
Pedestrian Operated Signals, Townsend Street, Kennington

We’re installing pedestrian operated signals to improve safety on Townsend Street, Kennington, as part of the Australian Government and Victorian Government joint investment in the Road Safety Program. 
Project status:



Safety upgrades are being completed near the intersection of Townsend Street and Neale Street and include:

  • Installing a pedestrian operated signal (POS) and improving visibility.
  • Relocating and upgrading the existing outbound bus stop on the north side of Townsend Street. 

These works are designed to provide a dedicated, safe crossing point across Townsend Street for pedestrians, bike riders and other vulnerable road users.  


Image of map shoiwing the location of the pedestrian operated signals at Townsend Street in Kensington.

Download a larger version of the map

Bus stop relocation  

To enable construction of the new POS the outbound Neale Street/Townsend Street bus stop will be permanently relocated 15 metres east of its current location. 

Vegetation impacts 

We have designed this project to minimise vegetation removal, however as part of these works five London Plane trees will be removed from Townsend Street near the new POS site. 


Works are expected to start in February 2025 and take approximately three months to complete, weather permitting. 

During construction there will be changes in traffic conditions, including temporary closure of the existing outbound and inbound bus stops on Townsend Street and existing footpaths. 

We will provide further details of traffic impacts as this project progresses. 

Get in touch

Email: [email protected] 

Call:    133 778