Outer metropolitan ring/E6 transport corridor
The Outer Metropolitan Ring / E6 reservation will accommodate a 100 kilometre long high-speed transport link for people and freight in Melbourne’s north and west.
The Outer Metropolitan Ring/E6 reservation will create the opportunity for new road and rail transport links through the Werribee, Melton, Tullamarine, Craigieburn/Mickleham and Epping/Thomastown areas to be provided as transport demand warrants.
The planning for the transport corridor provides options for an ultimate freeway standard road, capable of up to four lanes in each direction and four railway tracks in the median for interstate freight and high-speed passenger trains between Werribee and Kalkallo and capable of ultimately being a six-lane freeway standard road elsewhere.
The aim of the project is to:
- create better connections to key international transport hubs such as Melbourne Airport, Avalon Airport and the Port of Geelong
- improve access to the proposed Donnybrook/Beveridge Interstate Rail Terminal
- serve as an important travel and freight route to interstate and regional destinations
- link residential and employment growth areas in the north and west of Melbourne
- improve access in this major employment corridor, which includes Avalon Airport, Werribee, Melton, Melbourne Airport, Mickleham and Donnybrook.
Current status
Amendment VC68, gazetted on 6 August 2010, reserved the Outer Metropolitan Ring/E6 in municipal planning schemes, by means of a Public Acquisition Overlay.
While planning to reserve a corridor for this project is completed, further work will be required to prepare an environmental report as required by the Minister for Planning and obtain planning permits and approvals prior to any construction.
The Outer Metropolitan Ring/E6 Reservation allows for a longer term proposal to meet future transport needs. The need for and timing of construction will be subject to future consideration for funding.
VicRoads commenced a study for a connection between Melbourne Airport and the Outer Metropolitan Ring and a bypass of Bulla in September 2011.
What does it mean if my property is subject to a public acquisition overlay?
A public acquisition overlay enables an acquiring authority, which in the case of the Outer Metropolitan Ring/E6 reservation, is VicRoads, to compulsorily acquire land to enable construction of the transport corridor.
Compensation must be paid in accordance with the provisions of the Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986. This compensation can include the value of a business.
Prior to compulsory acquisition, you may continue the existing use of your property. The public acquisition overlay provides that certain forms of development within the area of the public acquisition overlay require a planning permit from the relevant council.
The council would refer any application to VicRoads for advice as to whether the planning permit should be granted or rejected.
Where a planning permit is rejected at the request of VicRoads, the property owner has the option to request VicRoads to purchase the property.
Where a landowner sells a property for less than its full market value at a public auction, then, subject to prior arrangements having been made with VicRoads, the landowner is entitled to compensation for loss on sale.
If you have any further questions, please contact VicRoads Property Services on 9854 2770.
More information
- For more information about compulsory land acquisition see VicRoads land acquisition and compensation brochure (PDF).
- For more information relating to noise reduction see the VicRoads traffic noise reduction policy (PDF).
- OMR/E6 reports and maps: A list of relevant reports and maps relating to the OMR/E6 Transport Corridor Planning Study.
- OMR/E6 detailed design maps: The following is a list of detailed design maps relating to the OMR/E6 Transport Corridor Planning Study.
- OMR/E6 frequently asked questions: A list of frequently asked questions about the Outer Metropolitan Ring/E6 transport corridor project.