Video transcript - Bass Highway safety and access improvements - Kilcunda
[Start Transcript]
[On screen text - Road safety improvements by Transport Victoria have reshaped the holiday town of Kilcunda]
[On screen text - Lauren - Kilcunda resident]
Kilcunda has always been a quite a sleepy
town in the mornings with our four
children sometimes it might take us four
to 5 minutes to cross the road so the
lights have been a really big change for
us even just for safety
[On screen text - Nic Kilcunda resident]
there's a lot of
young kids and a lot of young families
and it's a really active vibrant town
now the highway was quite a big uh
barrier in the past between the beach
and the town and it was just quite
dangerous really
[On screen text - Paula, owner Kilcunda Pub]
it's definitely
benefited the community we have the
school bus stop just over here we have
the school kids getting off the school
bus at the end of the day which has been
a real concern for the community the
lights has definitely made it easier to
go to the park the beach the community
were made well aware about what the
plans were what the timelines were
everyone was engaged and consulted
absolutely is an improvement it's a lot
more thought out it's a lot more
understandable about what the car
parking is even things like street
lights and parking signs and those types
of things they just help Define the town
and the way that we can use the town
you're getting more people that are just
going to be at the beach they're coming
over and using the pub and using the
cafe we love it
Nic - we love where we live and we love other people to be able to
Lauren - it it's upgraded the Sleepy Town
into a destination.
[End Transrcipt]
[On screen text - Transport Victoria, Bass Highway Kilcinda, Victorian Government State logo and Department of Transport and Planning.]