Road permits and charges

Memorandum of authorisation application processing fee

The Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) charges a fee to process MoA permit applications submitted through RAPP based on level of disruption to the road network.

The memorandum of authorisation (MoA) permit application processing fee has been grouped into three categories of disruptions, with the fee units and equivalent 2024/2025 dollar amounts* being:

  • Does not require closure of any traffic lanes: 4.76 fee units ($77.70)
  • Requires closure of one or more traffic lanes: 15.46 fee units ($252.50)
  • Requires closure of a road: 40.43 fee units ($660.20)*Please note these amounts are adjusted yearly in accordance with legislation.

The fee amount increases in line with the level of disruption to the road network and accounts for the extra time needed to review the proposed traffic management activities and measures to maintain safety and reduce road congestion.

Download relevant forms:


The following works will be exempted from this processing fee:

  • DTP projects
  • Local council works
  • Major Transport Infrastructure Authority (MTIA) projects (including Big Build and Major Road Projects Victoria).

Please note: traffic management companies applying for MoA permits related to local council works will need to complete a new form called 'MoA charging exemption form' to confirm its eligibility for an MoA charging exemption. This form will need to be endorsed and signed by the relevant local council and submitted with the MoA permit application in RAPP. You will find the new form under 'additional forms' on the RAPP webpage. If you have any feedback or suggestions on the form or would like to use an alternative document email [email protected].

Does this fee replace any of the other road works related fees?

MoA charging is in addition to the fee to apply for a consent for working within the road reserve (WWRR) permit and the road occupation charge (ROC).

Anyone wanting to conduct work in, on, under or over an arterial road or freeway may need to notify and get consent from DTP via an WWRR permit application.

ROC is a fee charged to private companies to occupy arterial roads for private use. It applies to inner-city Melbourne arterial roads and is calculated based on a rate per lane per day depending on the specific location.

MoA charging scenarios

The new processing fee will be paid upfront via credit card when MoA permit applications are submitted in RAPP and will be managed in the following ways:


Scenario 1

MoA permit application is submitted and is authorised without any changes

  • The fee for the highest level of disruption included in the application will be charged.
  • No further payments required.

Examples of MoA permit application with no lane closures.

  • Stopping of traffic to allow trucks to egress/ingress, footpath signage, on side road signage.
  • MoA permit applications required for DTP to authorise Traffic Control Devices (TCD's) only on a local council road (e.g. temporary speed limit signs that is lower than 40km/h) which have no impact on DTP managed roads and are not exempt from MoA charging - select no lane closure to avoid paying a higher fee.

Examples of MoA permit application with closure of one or more lanes.

  • The closure of a lane, whether it is parking lane, emergency lane, shoulder or slip lane is considered to be a lane closure.
  • Any closure of the road reserve between kerb to kerb (not including closure of road).

Examples of MoA permit application with closure of a road.

  • Closure of an arterial road (or carriageway) that requires detouring of traffic.

Scenario 2

MOA permit application is submitted with an incorrect impact level, i.e. applicant paid a fee lower/higher than the proposed disruption type.

  • If the applicant submits a lower MOA fee for a higher impact, then the application will be rejected and applicant needs to submit a new application with the correct fee.
  • If the applicant submits a higher MOA fee for a lower impact, then the application will be processed. No refund will be given in this instance.

Scenario 3

Applicant paid an MoA processing fee for an application exempt from MoA charging

No refund will be given and MoA permit application will be processed.

Scenario 4

MoA permit application is submitted and compliant however, DTP recommends changes to the impact level

If the MoA permit application proposes an impact level such as a road closure on a detour route, but DTP recommends changing the impact from a road closure to a lane closure the application will be cancelled by DTP, and a new application required to be submitted with the recommended change(s). A full refund will be given in this instance.

Other examples may include:

  • safety or congestion management recommendations.
  • conflicting works.

Scenario 5

An MoA permit was authorised prior to 14 October 2024 and is compliant to the previous version of the Road Management Act 2004 (Code of Practice for Worksite Safety - Traffic Management) (CoP). The applicant wishes to update the existing TGS for the authorised MoA permit to comply with the new CoP 

  • For MoA permit applications that incurred a fee:If the disruption level remains the same, the applicant can complete the MoA permit change form, attach the updated TGS and reply to the latest correspondence related to the MoA permit. No additional fee is required. If the level of disruption has changed, a new application will need to be submitted, and, if applicable, a new fee paid. No refund will be given for any fee paid as part of the original application process.
  • For MoA permit applications that did not incur a fee:
    • The applicant can complete the MoA permit change form, attach the updated TGS and reply to the latest correspondence related to the MoA permit

Scenario 6

MoA permit application includes one location with multiple impacts 

  • The fee for the highest level of disruption included in the application will be charged.
  • If the application is authorised without any changes, no further payments required.

Scenario 7

MoA permit application includes multiple locations with multiple impacts

  • The fee for the highest level of disruption listed under each location will be charged.
  • If the MoA permit is related to Utility or Road Safety Camera related maintenance works with the same scope of works across multiple locations, this will attract one fee per application (i.e. overhead works or pole replacement works).
  • For all other types of work, each location will need to be submitted as a separate MoA permit application and will be charged its own fee, depending on the level of disruption.

An MoA permit application with multiple locations will not be accepted and will need to be resubmitted as individual applications.

Scenario 8

MoA permit application includes disruptions on local/private road and DTP managed road

  • The fee for the highest level of disruption on DTP managed road will be charged.
  • The applicant will need to apply for a separate MoA permit application and/or land access permit with the relevant local council and/or land owner for disruption on local/private road.

Scenario 9

MoA permit application includes closure of bus lane in operation and/or bike lanes

  • The closure of bus and/or bike lanes is a disruption equivalent to a lane closure; the fee for the highest level of disruption included in the application will be charged.
  • The applicant will need to carry out engagement with any impacted public transport operators and/or local council.

Scenario 10

Applicant needs to extend an authorised MoA permit

  • If the extension request is submitted before the MoA permit expires, no fee will be charged.
  • If the extension is submitted after the MoA permit has expired, it will need to be submitted as a new application and the appropriate fee will be charged.

Scenario 11

Applicant wants to make changes to an MOA permit application that has not been authorised yet

  • If the applicant requests an additional TGS involving a lane closure added to the original road closure, no further payment is required. The application will not be required to be re-submitted.
  • If the change needed does not relate to the level of disruptions (e.g. change to dates, working hours, Works Manager, etc), then the change will be considered without requiring an additional fee.
  • If the change involves an updated TMP but the level of disruption remains the same, then the change will be considered without requiring an additional fee.
  • If the applicant requests before authorisation an additional Traffic Guidance Scheme (TGS) involving higher disruption type, a new MOA application will need to be submitted with the TGS and correct fee.

Scenario 12

Blanket MoA permit applications

  • The fee for the highest level of disruption included in the application will be charged.
  • There are only limited scenarios where a blanket MoA permit application will be accepted.

Scenario 13

The MoA permit application involves exempt works for DTP, MTIA or local council projects.

  • No processing fee required. Proof that the application is for exempted works will be required for third parties delivering works for a local council works to waive the fee.
  • Accredited local councils who submit an MoA permit application in RAPP do not need to provide an exemption form.
  • Applicants will be contacted if they submit an application for exempt works which doesn't meet the criteria. Applications may need to be resubmitted to pay the relevant fee if required.

Scenario 14

Fee paid for works on a council road where no MoA permit is required

  • No refund will be given and MoA permit application will be rejected.Other examples where an MoA permit application will be rejected with no refund include:
  • MoA permit application submitted for events where fees are exempt but have been paid.
  • MoA permit application for MRPV works where fees are exempt but have been paid.

Scenario 15

MoA permit application is withdrawn by the Applicant, before or after review

  • No refund of the processing fee.
  • The processing fee will not be refunded if the MoA permit is no longer needed.

Scenario 16

The TMP submitted as part of MoA permit application is compliant as per the fee type selected but the traffic management set up proposed is not safe for pedestrians or traffic (e.g. increase in impact type)

  • If DTP initiates the change due to the proposed traffic management set up not being safe, then a refund will be given and the applicant will need to submit a new MoA application with the correct fee type.

Scenario 17

Fee correctly paid as per the TGS, but TGS is non complaint/not acceptable and will likely require a change to the impact type

  • If the amended plan(s) has no change to the impact, the MoA permit application will be processed with no change in fee.
  • If the amended plan(s) has an impact change, the applicant will need to re-submit the MoA permit application with the new recommended impact fee type. No refund will be given in this instance

Scenario 18

MoA permit application that is authorised and is revoked by DTP due to non-compliance by the applicant or their contractors or agents

  • No refund of the processing fee.
  • Applicant may submit a new MoA permit application and the fee for the highest level of disruption included will be charged.

Scenario 19

MoA permit authorised by DTP, yet other authorities (e.g. local council, Yarra Trams) reject the traffic management set up and recommend a change to the impact (higher or lower)

  • Applicant will need to submit a new MoA permit application with the recommended impact fee type and seek compensation from the relevant authorities/operators who initiated the change request.

More information

For more information about the TMR program and how it will support the traffic management industry download traffic management reform key info [PDF 161 Kb]

If you need more information or have any further questions about MoA charging, please contact [email protected].