Map of DTP managed roads
Find out which Victorian freeways and arterial roads are managed by the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP).
Use our interactive map of DTP managed roads to view, search and print electronic maps of declared roads in Victoria.

Declared roads are managed by the DTP and include:
- freeways
- arterial roads
- certain non-arterial state roads
- toll roads managed by other road agencies, such as CityLink and EastLink.
Declared roads make up about 15 per cent of Victoria’s roads, but carry most of Victoria's traffic. The remaining 85 per cent of roads are mostly local roads managed by councils.
The Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Action also manage non-arterial state roads, such as some roads through state forests.
Register of public roads
The Head, Transport for Victoria's Register of Public Roads includes information about the freeways and arterial roads VicRoads has responsibility for.