Road and traffic management
View information on how we maintain roads and manage traffic and road access in Victoria.
Design and management
Get consent to work on the road, information on bushfire risk assessment guideli...
Map of DTP managed roads
Find out which Victorian freeways and arterial roads are managed by the Departme...
Road permits and charges
What to do if you’re holding an event or filming on a road.
Smart technology on freeways
We manage busy freeway traffic in real time using variable speed signs, ramp sig...
Principal aims of coordinated ramp signals
Coordinated ramp signals are important for a number of reasons. Learn about our ...
Road management and maintenance
Find out how we manage and maintain our road network.
Road types and responsible authorities
Find out about the different road types and who is responsible for them.
Technical and design services
We provide technical and design services to government and external clients. Our...
Traffic cameras and CCTV
There are more than 1,000 Department of Transport and Planning traffic surveilla...
Traffic incident management
Find out how we manage incidents on Victoria's roads.
Traffic lights
View information on how traffic lights ensure the smooth and safe operation of o...
Traffic Management Reform program
Keeping workers and drivers safe on our roads