Heavy vehicle road access in Victoria

PBS Level 2A tankers

Find out about access arrangements for 26m A-double tankers.

This information sheet sets out the access arrangements for 26m A-double tankers transporting liquids such as milk, fuel and water seeking to operate on Victoria’s published PBS Level 2A network.

This information sheet was published August 2023.

Reference vehicles

26m A-double tankers operating at no more than 68.5t gross combination mass (GCM) with dimensions that accord with the reference vehicles listed in Table 1 may operate on the PBS Level 2A Network.

Axle spacings for each reference vehicle can be found in the diagrams under 'Axle spacings for PBS 2A tanker reference vehicles'.

Conditions of operation

Tanker combinations operating on the PBS Level 2A network must be:

  • assessed against Level 2 PBS;
  • accredited under the mass management module of the national heavy vehicle accreditation scheme;
  • fitted with an anti-lock braking system on all axles;
  • fitted with certified road friendly suspension; and
  • fitted with a ‘long vehicle’ warning sign at the front and rear.

For more information on PBS, see the industry guide on the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) website or visit the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator website.

Do I need a permit?

No. Victoria’s PBS Level 2A Network is gazetted.

Can I keep using my current permit?

Yes. Existing permits allowing access at higher GCM remain valid. On renewal, mass limits may be reduced to protect infrastructure.

Dimension limits

Maximum dimension limits are listed at Table 1. All other dimensions are listed in the diagrams under 'Axle spacings for PBS 2A tanker reference vehicles'.

Table 1: maximum dimensions

Reference vehicleHeightWidthLengthCentral trailer spacing1
14.3m2.5m26.0m3.5m - 6.0m
24.3m2.5m26.0m3.5m - 4.5m
34.3m2.5m26.0m2.8m - 3.5m
44.3m2.5m26.0m5.0m - 6.0m

1. Central trailer spacing is defined as the distance measured between the centre point of the rear axle of the lead semi-trailer and the centre point of the front axle of the dolly trailer.

Mass limits

Maximum mass limits are in Table 2. Axle group definitions can be found in the diagrams under 'Axle spacings for PBS 2A tanker reference vehicles'.

Table 2: maximum mass limits

Axle groupReference vehicle
A (steer)6.5t6.5t6.5t6.5t
B (drive)16.5t16.5t16.5t16.5t
C (front tanker)16.5t15.2t15.2t15.2t
D (dolly)12.5t15.1t15.1t15.1t
E (rear tanker)16.5t15.2t15.2t15.2t

Mass limited structures

There are 10 mass limited structures on the PBS Level 2A network that cannot be crossed by reference vehicles operating at their maximum GCM.

These structures are represented by an orange dot on the published network and are listed in Table 3. Axle mass limits for these structure are listed in Table 4.

Table 3: mass limited structures on the network

StructureRoad nameFeature crossed
SN2754Princes HwySurry River
SN1470Murray Valley HwyBroken Creek
SN1507Murray Valley HwyBarr Creek
SN2165Sunraysia HwyMt Greenock Creek
SN2252Pyrenees HwyUnnamed watercourse
SN1258Pyrenees HwyPhillips Gardens drain
SN9488Maroona - Glenthompson RdUnnamed watercourse
SN2143Borung HwySRWSC - East Karkarooc Channel
SN3131South Gippsland HwyYallock Creek deviation
SN4879Murchison - Violet Town RdGoulburn River

Table 4: mass limits for mass limited structures

Axle groupReference vehicle
A (steer)6.5t6.5t6.5t6.5t
B (drive)16.5t16.5t16.5t16.5t
C (front tanker)15.06t14.34t13.5t14.5t
D (dolly)11.38t14.34t13.5t14.5t
E (rear tanker)15.06t14.34t13.5t14.5t

Axle spacings for PBS 2A tanker reference vehicles

Please note: these diagrams are not to scale. All measurements in millimetres.

Reference vehicle 1

Up to 68.5 tonne GCM with 3.5m - 6.0m central trailer spacing.

Graphic of a double-length tanker

Reference vehicle 2

Up to 68.5 tonne GCM with 3.5m - 4.5m central trailer spacing.

Graphic showing dimension for a double-length tanker

Reference vehicle 3

Up to 68.5 tonne GCM with 2.8m - 3.5m central trailer spacing.

Diagram of the dimesions for a double-length tanker

Reference vehicle 4

Up to 68.5 tonne GCM with 5.0m - 6.0m central trailer spacing.

Diagram showing the dimesions for a double length tanker