Escort and pilot vehicles

Pilot and escort vehicles in mountainous areas

Information sheet - November 2023

There are specific pilot and escort requirement for the movement of restricted- access vehicles in mountainous areas. In Victoria, as is the case nationally, there are two levels of pilot vehicle drivers - level 1 (pilot) and level 2 (certified pilot).

Definitions can be found on the Driver of Pilot vehicles page.

Where are Victoria's mountainous areas?

Defined mountainous areas in Victoria are indicated on all Victoria's Class 1 National Network Maps.

Pilot and escort requirement for mountainous areas

The below tables 1 and 2 outline the pilot requirements for restricted-access vehicles. Where access to local roads is required, the relevant local government authority may specify additional pilots or escorts.

Vehicles larger than those specified in tables 1 and 2 may require additional pilots and/or escorts. Enquiries should be directed to [email protected]

Table 1- Length limits

Vehicle typeLengthRequirement
Rigid12.6m to 15.0m1 pilot
All-terrain12.6m to 16.5m1 pilot
Articulated19.1m to 22.0m1 pilot

Table 2 - Width limits

2.51m to 3.0m1 pilot
3.01m to 3.5m1 certified pilot
3.51m to 4.0m2 certified pilots
4.01m to 5.5m3 certified pilots

Travel times

Travel must not be undertaken:

  • Outside daylight hours
  • During school bus travel times
  • On weekends, public and school holiday periods.

Applications for exemptions should be applied for via the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR).

Note: these travel times do not apply to emergency and emergency preparedness vehicles.

Exceptions to tables 1 and 2

The following tables outline the exceptions from table 1 and 2. The above travel times apply to all tables, with table 3 and 4 having additional travel time restrictions.

Note: these tables do not apply to emergency and emergency preparedness vehicles.