Escort and pilot vehicles overview
Find out about how pilot and escort vehicles help keep other road users safe.
For information on pilot and escort resource requirements it should be noted that this is dependent on risk based on:
- vehicle and load width and length
- location of movement
- traffic variations and density, and
- other associated risk profiles.
This chart below is intended as information for operators of over-size loads. It does not apply to:
- Loads over 6m wide or 60m long, where a combination of certified pilots and/or National Heavy Vehicle Regulator escort vehicles are required
- Loads travelling in mountainous areas.

* Reduces to one certified pilot vehicle on a freeway outside the Melbourne and Geelong urban areas.
The chart has been amended to reflect industry practices and to aid the safe and efficient movement of these loads. The chart also reduces red tape by streamlining the permit application and escort booking process.
For mountainous areas, the pilot and escort requirements may vary depending on the unique characteristics of the route. Please refer to the Pilots and Escort Requirements - Mountainous Areas - Information sheet.
Escort services and charges
The National Heavy Vehicle Regular (NHVR) provides services to the over-dimensional transport industry.
If you require NHVR safety and compliance officer services such as escorts or inspection of vehicles and loads, please visit the NHVR website.