About external works on the road network
Find out what's required to get consent to perform external work on the road network in Victoria.
When a developer, council or other individual/agency is required to carry out works on the arterial road network, this external party must ensure that the works will meet the standards and requirements of the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP).
To ensure that works are delivered safely and to an adequate standard, external parties shall engage the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) to complete a review of works design and construction.
The developer must engage a pre-qualified consultant and contractor to undertake the works.
The process is a six-step process:
- Planning permit and/or precinct plan (PSP)
- Functional layout plan (FLP)
- Traffic signal plan (TSP)
- Detailed design/civil plan (DDP)
- Construction
- Completion
Most external parties will be required to progress through all process steps:
The developer and or external party is fully responsible for all work, design, construction, repair and restitution associated with undertaking the work, to the satisfaction of DTP.
Completing all steps allows the issue of consent for works, and then certification once the works are completed to the satisfaction of DTP.
Go to applying for a design review or construction certification.