Road rules and safety
Hook turns
A hook turn is a way for vehicles to make a right-hand turn from the left-hand lane.
Most commonly found in Melbourne’s CBD and inner suburbs, hook turns help keep intersections clear for trams while improving traffic flow.
Hook turns for cars, trucks and buses
- Move to the left lane. While in the left lane, indicate right.
- Watch for bicycles and electric scooter riders, and all other vehicles.
- Enter the intersection and keep to the far-left side, but don’t block pedestrian crossings.
- If there’s a road marking, follow the lines. Otherwise, stop at the point where you would turn right.
- Wait until the traffic lights on the road you want to enter have changed to green.
- Check there are no moving vehicles moving in the lane on your right.
- Turn right into the road and continue to drive.
Hook turns for bicycles and electric scooters
Hook turns may be a safer option for when you're on a bike or electric scooter because you don’t need to cross into the middle of the road to turn right.
Bicycle and electric scooter riders:
- must use a hook turn at all intersections where there’s a ‘right turn from left only’ hook turn sign.
- can use a hook turn at most intersections (with or without traffic lights), unless there is a ‘no hook turn by bicycles’ sign or a different traffic control sign stops its use.
How to do a hook turn on a bicycle or electric scooter
- Watch the traffic in the lanes approaching the intersection to your left.
- Place your bicycle safely in front of the stopped traffic that’s heading in the direction you want to travel.
- Avoid sitting in front of a dedicated left turn only lane when you cross to the far side of the intersection, make sure you are in front of a straight on lane.
- Avoid sitting in front of a truck, as many large vehicles cannot see in front of them, particularly if they’re high up and have large front bonnets.
Rules for hook turns
The rules for hook turns are published in Part 4 of the Road Safety Road Rules 2017.
- Rule 34 - Making a hook turn at a hook turn only sign
- Rule 35 - Optional hook turn by a rider of a bicycle or an electric scooter
- Rule 36 - Rider of bicycle or electric scooter making a hook turn contrary to no hook turn by bicycles sign
You may be fined if you ignore the law
Drivers and riders can be fined and receive demerit points if caught breaking the rules for hook turns and turning.