Bacchus Marsh Eastern Link Road planning study
Update August - 2024
We nominated Option B Alternative as the preferred alignment after examining a range of potential options for a future north-south route to the east of the Bacchus Marsh township.
The process of determining a preferred alignment included community feedback, findings from various technical studies, consultation with landowners, key stakeholders and key government agencies, and a multi-criteria assessment.
While we identified Option B Alternative as the preferred alignment, this is not a final decision. The alignment is still subject to a planning approval process which will be undertaken in the next phase of this project.
This is a planning project. There are currently no plans for the construction of an eastern link road.
About Option B Alternative
Option B Alternative is a combination of Option B north of the Western Freeway and the Alternative southern route shared with the community in December 2020.
View a larger version of the map
View a larger version of the concept design
Based on the assessment undertaken, we have concluded that Option B Alternative overall best achieves the project objectives including improving safety, diverting heavy vehicles and through traffic away from the Bacchus Marsh town centre and catering for future development.
Option B Alternative was selected for a range of factors, including:
- Provides significant network-wide transport benefits, including an additional freeway interchange
- More direct route and avoids the existing steep grade along Woolpack Rd for cars, trucks and cyclists
- Has less impact on cultural heritage south of the freeway
- Has less impact on the Irrigation District south of the freeway
- Provides potential access to/from the future Merrimu and Parwan residential developments
- Does not significantly segregate these future communities
- Lowest native vegetation removal hectares
Next steps
DTP is seeking direction on the required planning pathway.
DTP will refer the project to the Minister for Planning to determine if an Environment Effects Statement (EES) is required as part of the planning process.
An EES assesses the potential environmental impacts of a proposed development.
Once a planning pathway is determined, we will provide further updates regarding:
- Planning pathway for the Planning Scheme Amendment (PSA). The PSA includes a Public Acquisition Overlay to reserve land for road purposes and enable land to be acquired for the project.
- Process for the public to provide a formal submission and make comments on the preferred alignment.
Before an EES referral can be made, DTP will await outcomes of surveys to identify potential populations of the Victorian Grassland Earless Dragon.
These studies are being undertaken separate to this project. For more information, visit the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) website Rediscovery of the Victorian grassland earless dragon after 50 years - DCCEEW.
The population of Bacchus Marsh and Maddingley is expected to double by 2041. As a result, there is a need to increase land supply for housing and Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) areas have been designated for future communities. A north-south link road would help ease the congestion caused by this significant growth.
The Moorabool Shire Council’s Integrated Transport Strategy and the Urban Growth Framework has identified an eastern bypass as key transport infrastructure required to alleviate congestion for Bacchus Marsh.
Previous studies have demonstrated that an eastern link road will divert heavy vehicles and through traffic away from the Bacchus Marsh town centre. The congestion during peak periods in Bacchus Marsh has resulted in a heavy reliance on Gisborne Road/Grant Street to provide north-south access to the Western Freeway.
An eastern link road will also provide an alternative north-south arterial road connection to Gisborne Road/Grant Street.
The planning study has identified an alignment option that will:
- provide an efficient, safe and direct connection to the Western Freeway for freight transportation between the Port of Geelong, Ballarat, Adelaide and the Calder Freeway
- reduce congestion, improve reliability and reduce travel times, therefore encouraging other modes of transport such as cycling and walking
- improve amenity in the Bacchus Marsh town centre
- improve safety on the existing road.
The preferred alignment will go through a planning approval process at a date to be confirmed. As part of this process, members of the public can make a formal submission on the draft Planning Scheme Amendment.
Get in touch
Email: [email protected]
Write: Bacchus Marsh Eastern Link Study, P.O. Box 580, Ballarat, 3353
Call: 133 778