Road rules and safety

Tractor road rules

Find out if you’re eligible to drive a tractor in Victoria.

Who can drive a tractor

Licence typeEligibility to drive a tractor
Car learner permit

You can drive a tractor of any size or a tractor that's towing a trailer of any size and the tractor is being used in connection with:

  • agricultural
  • horticultural
  • dairying
  • pastoral (or other like pursuits), or
  • commercial fishing.

Learner permit holders aren't required to display L plates.

Car licence

You can drive a tractor of any size or a tractor that's towing a trailer of any size.

If you have a licence restricted to automatic transmission vehicles, this restriction doesn't apply when driving a tractor.

Probationary licence holders aren't required to display P plates.

Motorcycle learner permit, or motorcycle licenceCannot drive a tractor.

Interstate driver licence holders

If you hold an interstate car learner permit, or car driver licence, or 'tractor permit' you can drive a tractor in Victoria under the same restrictions as Victorian driver licence and learner permit holders, for three months.

After three months, you must apply for a Victorian car driver licence or car learner permit if you wish to continue to drive a tractor.


  • If you are using the tractor on a highway, normal traffic and vehicle regulations and requirements apply.
  • If operating the tractor on private property closed to public access, a car learner permit or car driver licence is not required.
  • Use of a tractor is restricted to the defined activities outlined in ‘Requirements to drive a tractor’ above.

Definition of a tractor

Under the Road Safety Act 1986 a tractor is defined as any motor vehicle or class of motor vehicles declared to be a tractor by Order of the Governor in Council published in the Government Gazette.

The other Victorian legislation which defines a tractor are the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007.

These regulations defines a tractor as 'a powered vehicle primarily designed to haul and provide power for agricultural or horticultural machinery or implements by way of a power take-off rotating shaft or other mechanical means, but does not include earthmoving machinery or a passenger vehicle'.