Road rules and safety

Hoverboards and similar devices

You can use motorised personal mobility devices such as hoverboards and Segways on private property, but not roads and footpaths. 

Personal mobility devices are compact devices designed for personal transportation. They are typically powered by electric motors.

Self-balancing, motorised, personal mobility devices can include:

  • two-wheeled, self-balancing personal transporters (e.g. Segways) 
  • hoverboards
  • self-balancing scooters
  • electric unicycles.

They often have:

  • a self-balancing system
  • a single wheel, or wheels in a side-by-side configuration. 

You can use your device on a private property if you have permission from the land owner.

You can't use your device on the road

Motorised personal mobility devices are typically classified as motor vehicles, however, these devices don’t meet the Australian Design Rules or Victorian registration and licensing requirements.

For this reason, they can’t be used on:

  • roads
  • shared paths
  • footpaths
  • road-related areas.

Segways are currently only allowed if used as part of a tour for tourism purposes and in areas and routes authorised by the Department of Transport and Planning. Tour operators interested in conducting Segway tours should contact the relevant local council in the first instance.

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