Vehicle standards information

VSI 5 - Conversion of vehicles to motorhomes and modification of vehicles incorporating gas or electrical systems

This page provides guidance on the requirements when converting a vehicle to a motorhome or campervan. The requirements when modifying a vehicle to incorporate gas or electrical systems such as for a food service vehicle are also included.

Published: October 2021
This information sheet supersedes all previous copies of VSI 5.

This information sheet applies to vehicles with a gross vehicle mass (GVM) of 4.5 tonne or less. For heavy vehicle requirements please refer to the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator website.


Converting a vehicle to a motorhome or incorporating gas or electrical systems into a vehicle is a significant modification that requires careful planning and execution to ensure the vehicle remains safe and compliant with the standards for registration.

A person who modifies or adds components to a vehicle must ensure the modification is certified as complying with Regulation 35 of the Road Safety (Vehicles) Regulations 2021 or is otherwise acceptable to VicRoads.

Vehicle standards requirements are subject to change and the most recent versions of all the VSIs are on this website.

Vehicle Assessment Signatory Scheme approval certificate

A Vehicle Assessment Signatory Scheme (VASS) approval certificate is a certificate that can be accepted as evidence that a modified vehicle:

  • has been inspected and all modifications have been carried out and completed in accordance with recognised standards and codes of practice
  •  in its modified form continues to comply with the standards for registration.

An approval certificate can only be issued by a signatory authorised under VASS.

An approval certificate is required for the registration or change of description of a vehicle converted to a motor home, or when modifying a vehicle to incorporate gas or electrical systems.

A list of VASS signatories can be found under "Step 2: Contact a VASS signatory" on the VASS approval certificate page.

Vehicle Standards Bulletin 14

Vehicle Standards Bulletin (VSB) 14 – National Code of Practice for Light Vehicle Construction and Modification is published on the Commonwealth Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications (DITRDC).

This code of practice has been developed in consultation with industry, user groups and government agencies with an interest in light vehicle construction and modification. VSB 14 has been endorsed by state and territory vehicle registration authorities.

Vehicle modification code LH11 in Section LH - Body Modifications of VSB 14 provides information on the minimum safety requirements for a vehicle being converted to a campervan or motorhome.

The relevant sections of modification code LH11 must also be considered when modifying a vehicle for food service.

A VASS signatory will inspect the vehicle to ensure compliance with VSB 14 modification code LH11 before issuing an approval certificate.

Combustible gas (LPG and other) installations

All permanent gas operated appliance installations including cooktops, ovens, heaters or refrigerators must comply with the applicable requirements of Australian Standard AS 5601 – Gas Installations.

In addition, any specific installation requirements specified by the appliance manufacturer, such as ventilation, and minimum clearance requirements, must be complied with.

All fitment and maintenance of gas installations in vehicles, other than those for propulsion, must be performed by a licensed plumber or gasfitter.

A compliance certificate or statement of compliance as required by the Victorian Building Authority and Energy Safe Victoria must be supplied to the provider of the service upon completion of work.

Evidence of compliance of gas installations must be provided to a VASS signatory prior to issue of an approval certificate.

Mains style electrical installations

Mains style electrical installations include any permanently installed electrical system with an operating voltage over 50V excluding systems directly associated with the operation of the main vehicle powertrain system, such as hybrid or electrical drive systems.

These electrical systems may consist of inverters, generators, or external power connections to supply devices permanently installed in the vehicle or sockets intended for plugging in mains electrical devices (typically 240V or 415V in Australia) and lighting at mains voltage.

Where an electrical generator is fitted that operates independent of the main vehicle powertrain system, it must not operate when the vehicle is in motion.

Electrical installations must comply with the Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 3001 Electrical Installations – Transportable Structures and Vehicles Including Their Site Supplies.

Maintenance or installation of mains style electrical systems must only be performed by a licensed electrician. A manufacturer’s or installer’s certificate of compliance to AS/NZS 3001 or an equivalent standard must be provided to a VASS signatory prior to the issuing of an approval certificate.

An Energy Safe Victoria certificate of electrical safety (COES) may suffice in lieu of a manufacturer’s or installer’s certificate of compliance.

Installations of inverters compliant with AS/NZS 4763 — Safety of Portable Inverters are exempt from this requirement only where there's no mains style wiring installed into the vehicle. Inverters must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions for that device.

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