Modified and non-standard vehicles

Get a trailer vehicle identification number

Information about getting a trailer vehicle identification number (VIN) for trailer manufacturers. 

Trailers and caravans being registered for the first time in Australia require an entry in the Commonwealth Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications and Arts' (DITRDCA) Register of Approved Vehicles (RAV) to be eligible for registration in Victoria.

All new and imported trailers provided to the Australian market need an approval from DITRDCA.

To apply for an approval, visit DITRDCA's Road Vehicle Regulator (ROVER).

Trailers must meet the applicable Australian design rules (ADR):

For more information visit DITRDCA:

VIN applications

The process for a trailer VIN application differs depending on the number of trailers you manufacturer in a 12-month period.

Four or less

You need to apply to DITRDCA for a concessional RAV entry approval for each trailer. Your trailer will be issued with a VIN by DITRDCA when your application is approved.

The Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) no longer issue VINs for these trailers.

Five to 500

You need to apply to DITRDCA for a vehicle type approval for each trailer type.

You can obtain your VINs from NEVDIS by obtaining a World Manufacturers Index (WMI) and either becoming a VIN submission agent yourself or through an independent VIN submission agent.

Alternatively, Victorian trailer manufacturers can apply for trailer VINs from VicRoads. Applications for VINs must be made via the online application.

You must provide your vehicle type approval (VTA) number with your request. For more information, refer to Victorian trailer manufacturing businesses and companies information below.

500 or more

You need to apply to DITRDCA for a vehicle type approval for each trailer type.

You can obtain your VINs from NEVDIS by obtaining a World Manufacturers Index (WMI) and either becoming a VIN submission agent yourself or through an independent VIN submission agent.

Victorian trailer manufacturing businesses and companies

To apply for trailer VINs you must:

  • have a DITRDCA VTA for the trailers you manufacture
  • be a Victorian trailer manufacturing business or company with a current ACN registered with Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC)
  • have a VicRoads customer number (this is a unique number issued by VicRoads to individuals or companies).

Trailer manufacturing businesses

If you are applying for VINs under a business name, you must provide your own VicRoads customer number.

Your VicRoads customer number is:

  • on your myVicRoads account,
  • your learner permit or driver licence number, or
  • recorded on your registration renewal notice.

If you don’t have a Victorian licence or VicRoads customer number, you must visit a VicRoads customer service centre and provide full evidence of identity documents.

Trailer manufacturing companies

The VicRoads customer number of your company is:

  • on your company’s myVicRoads account, or
  • recorded on any registration renewal notice for vehicles registered in your company’s name.

If your company doesn’t have a VicRoads customer number, you must visit a VicRoads customer service centre and provide full evidence of identity documents for your company.

Request trailer VIN from VicRoads

All applications must include your DITRDCA vehicle type approval (VTA) number.

If you’ve requested a VIN from VicRoads before, ensure you have your three-digit manufacture identification number. You can find this on letters that we previously sent you about your VINs or call us on 13 11 71 to obtain your manufacturer identification number.

By using this service, you are confirming that the information that is provided is true and correct, and you have read and agree with the terms and conditions.