Registration forms
Download forms related to registering a vehicle.
Use myVicRoads to complete many registration-related tasks online, including:
- paying your registration, or viewing your vehicle's registration status
- updating your contact details
- viewing your license details
- checking your demerit points.
This list contains some common forms used for vehicle registration.
- Application for transfer of registration
- Application for transfer of registration from deceased estate
- Application for transfer of vessel registration from deceased estate
- Application for Veterans Card Victoria (VCV) discount
- Authority to act as an agent (for registration)
- Certificate of approved operations: general
- Certificate of approved operations: hobby farmer
- Certificate of approved operations: level 1
- Certificate of approved operations: level 2
- Certificate of approved operations: level 3
- Certificate of approved operations: level 4
- Certificate of approved operations: level 5
- Certificate of approved operations: level 6
- Certificate of approved operations: level 7
- Certificate of approved operations: level 8 (heavy vehicles)
- Change of personal details
- Change of vehicle details
- Consent to release health information to VicRoads
- Consent to release licence or registration information
- Credit or debit card authorisation
- Deceased estate pack
- Description of vehicle/nomination
- General identification mark (GIM) trade plate application
- Light trailer registration
- Light trailer registration (cover)
- Machinery pack
- Motorcycle licence learner permit and check ride application
- Notice of incident
- Number plate orders
- Primary producer discount application
- Refunds
- Receipt of vehicle sale
- Records search
- Replacement Victorian licence or learner permit
- Request to add secondary postal address to registration
- Seasonal registration
- Statutory declaration
- Statutory declaration (deceased estate)
- Transfer of registration number plate rights
- Transfer of registration number rights agreement for deceased estate
- Vehicle registration
- Vessel registration transfer
- Vessel registration