
St Georges Road and Brunswick Street safer speed limit

We’ve introduced a safer 40km/h speed limit on St Georges Road and Brunswick Street between Alexandra Parade and Eunson Avenue to make the road environment safer for pedestrians and bike riders.

Project status:


What we've done

To make the road environment safer for pedestrians and bike riders on St Georges Road and Brunswick Street we introduced a safer 40km/h speed limit between Alexandra Parade and Eunson Avenue between 7am and 10pm daily. The speed limit is 60km/h outside these hours.

To remind drivers of the low-speed environment, we installed 18 electronic speed limit signs along St Georges Road and Brunswick Street. The signs are currently operating in the new 40km/h speed zone.

We thank the community for their patience while we completed these important safety improvements.

Image of map showing the St Georges Road and Brunswick Street safer speed limit

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Image description: This map shows the new 40km/h speed limit zone in place on Brunswick Street and St Georges Road between Alexandra Parade and Eunson Avenue and where the electronic speed limit signs are operational.


St Georges Road and Brunswick Street in Fitzroy North are iconic, busy roads lined with hospitality and retail outlets, schools and public gardens that contribute to high pedestrian activity in the local area.

In the five-year period ending in June 2022, 66 crashes occurred along St Georges Road and Eunson Avenue in Fitzroy North between 7am to 10pm and 31 crashes caused serious injury.

Pedestrians are completely exposed to the full force of a crash, making them some of the most vulnerable road users.

By making the speed right for the road, we’ll make the road environment safer for all road users.

When electronic speed limit signs are installed in a speed limit zone, they flash to remind drivers to be extra vigilant and obey the speed limit, making the road safer for pedestrians, including shoppers, children and families during busy peak hours.

These upgrades have been made thanks to the Australian Government’s Road Safety Program, being delivered in partnership with the Victorian Government.

Get in touch

For more information about this project, email [email protected]