Princes Highway-Dandenong Road safety improvements
We’re improving safety along Princes Highway-Dandenong Road between Wellington Road in Clayton and James Street in Dandenong, to reduce road trauma and save lives.
Project update – December 2024
Preliminary works to locate utility services on Princes Highway-Dandenong Road will start in mid-January 2025, to prepare the area for safety barrier installation works.
From mid-January 2025, crews will work on site on Monday to Friday at 9.30am to 3.30pm, and some weekends at 7am to 3.30pm. We expect the upgrade will be completed in mid-2025.
We’ll keep the community updated on the progress of construction during works.
What this means for you
During works you can expect:
- Safety barrier installation on Princes Highway-Dandenong Road will take place from February through to mid-2025.
- Two lanes in both directions will be open on Princes Highway-Dandenong Road.
- Tree removal and tree planting on sections of Princes Highway Dandenong Road.
- Reduced speeds to 40km/h around the work area to protect both workers and drivers.
- The speed limit will return to 80km/h each day after works.
- Periods of high noise levels, vibrations, and dust – we’ll minimise these impacts as much as possible.
- Travel delays up to 10 minutes.
- Access to properties on Princes Highway-Dandenong Road will be kept open.
If Princes Highway-Dandenong Road is part of your journey, please drive safely and keep an eye out for changed traffic conditions.
What we're doing
We’re installing safety barriers on the centre and the left-hand side of Princes Highway-Dandenong Road at high-risk locations between Wellington Road in Clayton and James Street in Dandenong to prevent head-on and run-off-road crashes.
When the upgrade is completed, Princes Highway-Dandenong Road will provide a continuous safer journey for motorists travelling along this route.
To make space for the safety barriers, we’ll need to remove trees in sections along Princes Highway-Dandenong Road between Wellington Road and James Street. Every effort will be made to retain as many trees as possible during construction.
In these instances, we will investigate all suitable alternatives prior to tree removal, balancing this with the critical need to improve safety on this road to reduce road trauma and save lives.
We’ll plant trees along Princes Highway-Dandenong Road when the safety barrier installation is completed, and any trees removed during construction will be used as part of local council initiatives.
Princes Highway-Dandenong Road is a high-volume, high-speed arterial road in Melbourne’s metropolitan south-east region that connects the south-east suburbs to Melbourne’s CBD.
Infrastructure plays a vital role in preventing serious crashes. It also helps reduce the severity of crashes when they’re unavoidable.
Mistakes happen, which as humans we can’t always avoid. What we can do is build more forgiving road infrastructure so that when a mistake does happen on the road, it doesn’t cost a life.
These safety improvement are being made thanks to the Transport Accident Commission’s investment into road safety infrastructure, in partnership with the Victorian Government.
Get in touch
For more information about this project, please get in touch.
Email: [email protected]