
Ballarto Road, Skye maintenance works

We’re delivering vital maintenance on Ballarto Road in Skye to provide a smoother, safer journey for all road users.
Project status:


What we’re doing

We’re delivering vital maintenance works on approximately two kilometres of Ballarto Road in Skye between Potts Road and Western Port Highway.

The works will involve constructing new road shoulders, replacing layers of the road, asphalt resurfacing and line marking to restore the condition of the road surface.

When to expect us

Works are expected to take place over two weeks between late-February and May 2025. 

Crews will be working day and night with the road fully closed to minimise traffic disruption and to keep our crews safe, excluding between 7pm Friday nights and 7pm Sunday nights. 

If additional works are needed following the two-week closure, these will be undertaken at night under a full road closure or lane closures as required from 7pm to 6am, Sundays to Thursdays.

Dates and times are subject to change due to weather conditions and the contractor’s program of works.

What to expect during works

  • A road closure on Ballarto Road between Potts Road and Western Port Highway, with a signed detour in place. Detours will be in place via Potts Road, Cranbourne-Frankston Road, Western Port Highway, Hall Road and Frankston-Dandenong Road. 
  • Emergency service vehicle access will be maintained.
  • Crews will work with property owners to maintain access to private properties and businesses within this section of Ballarto Road. Please speak to a traffic management controller during works if you require access.
  • Medium to high levels of noise when crews remove the surface layers of road. Low to medium levels of noise are expected during all other works. Crews use modern equipment to keep noise to a minimum, however the works will unavoidably emit some noise and light. For the safety of road users and workers, reversing beepers are required on all machinery.
  • There will be no parking during works on this section of Ballarto Road.
  • A reduced speed limit during works to ensure the safety of crews and all road users.

We’ll notify the community before these vital road maintenance works begin. 

This work is being delivered as part of the Victorian Government’s $964 million investment in the Victorian 2024-25 road maintenance program.

Other works on Ballarto Road

As part of the Ballarto Road Upgrade, we are installing new traffic lights at the Ballarto Road and Greenwood Drive intersection. From the end of January until mid-March 2025, access in and out of Greenwood Drive at the Ballarto Road intersection will be closed. Two-way traffic along this section of Ballarto Road will be maintained.

For more information on the Ballarto Road Upgrade, please visit this webpage.

Get in touch

Find out more about the Victorian 2024-25 road maintenance program here.

Email:  [email protected]

Call:     133 778