Road permits and charges

Temporary on-road dining approvals

The Department of Transport and Planning is working with local councils to support Victorian cafes and restaurants looking to create new spaces for outdoor dining and entertainment service.

Outdoor dining and entertainment will be a feature of the hospitality sector as cafes and restaurants prepare to reopen their business’ in a COVIDSafe way.

Local councils will need to seek approval from Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) in some circumstances to temporarily allocate on-road space for the purpose of dining and entertainment.

When is DTP approval required?

Local councils will need to make an application to DTP if a temporary outdoor dining proposal includes any of the following:

  • use of part of an arterial road normally used for car parking or traffic lanes
  • traffic control devices to be placed on an arterial road to facilitate local road or off-road temporary outdoor dining
  • major traffic control devices on local roads that require DoT approval 
  • a temporary reduction of speed limits to below 40km/h on local roads
  • the use of an arterial road or a local road with a clearway
  • any potential impact to public transport (causes may include road closures, detours, service cancellations, stop relocation or closure, delays due to closed lanes or lowered speed limits)
  • any impact on the function of traffic signals (causes may include road closures, closed turn lanes, signal changes for detour routes). 

Temporary on-road dining guidelines

DTP has developed guidelines to support the application process for temporary on-road dining. The DTP on-road dining guidelines (PDF) provide detailed information about:

  • When councils need to apply for DTP approval for on-road dining.
  • The criteria for assessing applications for on road dining:
    • balancing movement and place functions
    • managing network efficiency 
    • managing road safety 
    • providing certainty in uncertain times i.e. prioritising outdoor dining is a temporary arrangement while indoor dining restrictions are in place.
  • How to apply:
    • what should be included in your application
    • how to submit your application. 

Businesses interested in accessing temporary on-road outdoor dining should contact the relevant council.

For further information contact [email protected]