Heavy vehicle road access in Victoria

Truck curfews

The Victorian Government is keeping supply chains moving and supermarket shelves well stocked, while minimising impacts on local residents.

As part of the return to COVID normal settings, the government is introducing is introducing a revised planning deliveries exemption.

From late October 2022, the revised exemption will allow deliveries of essential goods to premises one hour before and one hour after the times specified in any planning permit condition across Victoria.

This measure is being introduced on a trial basis. It will be reviewed over the next 18-24 months, with input from industry and local government stakeholders.

This measure allows flexibility for the delivery of essential goods, while upholding the Government’s long-standing commitment to protect community amenity.

Existing truck curfews in curfew areas were reinstated in August 2022. The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator is continuing to track and enforce compliance in curfew areas.

In areas directly or indirectly impacted by flooding in regional Victoria, we will be asking Councils to take a common-sense approach to enforcement of delivery curfews as the revised provisions come into effect.

Deliveries of essential goods will continue to be prioritised and supported as part of the emergency response.

Should you have further enquiries regarding freight and logistics, please email [email protected].

View the truck curfew map