Heavy vehicle road access in Victoria

Maintaining heavy vehicle access through work sites

Provide detours on infrastructure projects that affect heavy vehicle routes. 

Infrastructure project teams must consider large and heavy vehicles when planning roadworks.

You must provide detours if your project affects access for any heavy vehicle that is operating:

View planned and unplanned disruptions as a layer on the national network map.

Detours can be:

  • existing heavy vehicle network routes
  • arterial roads outside the existing network (if we agree to this)
  • local roads outside the existing network (if the relevant local council or other road manager agrees).

Planning resources

The flowchart below details best practice for maintaining access during roadworks, particularly for restricted access vehicles like B-doubles, cranes, over-size over-mass vehicles and vehicles operating under performance based standards.

Flowchart showing the decision process for maintaing heavy vehicle access through work sites

It's intended for use by project teams, contractors, local government and agencies delivering infrastructure that limits or restricts heavy vehicle access.

It helps identify if and how roadworks might affect heavy vehicle access and the steps that need to be taken to formulate alternatives.


Heavy vehicle network restrictions

Helps you work out:

  • which vehicles may be affected by your works
  • how your works affect heavy vehicles.
Heavy vehicle network detoursHelps you work out suitable detour routes off the heavy vehicle network.

Contact us

Contact these teams for more information.

OrganisationEmail address
Freight Victoria Land Freight System Team (Policy and Strategy), Department of Planning and Transport[email protected]
National Heavy Vehicle Regulator[email protected]
Heavy Vehicle Consent Team, Department of Planning and Transport[email protected]