Photograph of a young man with arms crossed, smiling at the camera, while standing next to a commercial truck
Heavy vehicles

Heavy vehicle contacts and resources

Heavy vehicle operations in Victoria are managed by state and federal authorities. Find out who is responsible for what and how to contact them. 

National Heavy Vehicle Regulator

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator has assumed control of the majority of regu...

Important links and websites

A list of industry bodies and links to their websites.

Operating a performance-based standards vehicle

Learn about the process for getting a performance-based standards heavy vehicle ...

Heavy Vehicle Consultation Group

The Victorian Government have established a Heavy Vehicle Consultation Group (HV...

What is a road manager?

VicRoads, as the state road authority, has been the traditional decision-maker f...

Heavy vehicle work diary

The National Transport Commission in partnership with the Regulator, industry an...

Road Managers

Department of Transport and Planning, as the state road authority, has been the ...

Links and websites

A list of industry bodies and links to their websites.

12-axle trailer with gooseneck coupling

Department of Transport and Planning has established a new policy in Victoria in...