Escort and pilot vehicles

Mobile mounted variable message signs

Mobile mounted variable message signs are sometimes required to be used to comply with slowdowns over major road infrastructure as stipulated in a NHVR oversize overmass vehicle permit.

What is a mobile variable message (VSM) sign?

A mobile VMS is an illuminated sign with programmable text fixed to or towed by a vehicle that alerts other road users to the presence of an oversize overmass (OSOM) load. A vehicle providing mobile VMS must not be an escort vehicle.

When is mobile VMS required?

Your NHVR permit will indicate the need for VMS. VMS is generally required when an OSOM load is required to travel at 10kmh or less (for example, over a bridge) on a road with a speed limit of 100kmh or more.

Who is qualified to operate VMS?

No qualification other than a driver’s licence is required to operate VMS fixed to or towed by a vehicle.

What are the basic requirements of mobile VMS?

Mobile VMS must be capable of operating at 100kmh. It must display text in an amber colour on a matt black background legible to other road users at a distance of 100m.

What size font is visible at 100m?

To be visible at 100m, your mobile VMS should be capable of displaying a font size at least 200mm high. This normally requires a sign approximately 1500mm wide and 1000mm high.

What should mobile VMS display?

VMS should normally display ‘Caution slow moving load ahead’ but can be altered to display any message that aids in traffic management.


Infomation sheet: mobile variable message signage for OSOM (PDF)