External works on the road network

Applying for a design review or construction certification

Developers/councils, or their consultant, are required to submit an application prior to commencing each step of the external works process.

The submission of an application at each step alerts Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) and allows DTP to allocate resources to complete the requested review.

It's important that each application includes complete and accurate information so that DTP’s review is timely and cost-effective. Include all mandatory information with the application at time of submission to reduce any delays. 

Mandatory application items

  1. Ensure the application form is completed in full.
  2. Please provide a copy of your DTP prequalification status.
  3. Please provide a copy of the relevant precinct structure plan (PSP). (If applicable).
  4. Please provide a copy of the current approved planning permit. (If applicable).
  5. Please populate the DTP planning permit conditions tab within the DTP comments register. (If applicable).
  6. A copy of the council endorsed concept plan. (Associated with planning permit)
  7. A copy of the road safety audit on the functional layout plan incorporating the project team response. (Required for existing and future DTP roads only)
  8. A functional layout plan in accordance with the endorsed concept plan which incorporates the road safety audit (RSA) findings. (Required for existing and future DTP roads only)
  9. A copy of a current traffic impact assessment report including the SIDRA analysis. (Required for all intersection projects).
  10. A copy of a current design report to accompany the plans.
  11. Please confirm you have a Memorandum of Authorisation (MoA) for any proposed permanent speed
  12. Are these works within a project exclusion zone (e.g. MRPV, Big Build, etc.)?
  13. Does the design team have the relevant DTP prequalification to carry out the design works?

DTP project advice - areas of responsibility

  1. Ensuring works are in accordance with planning permits and or precinct structure plans (PSP)
  2. Reviewing and endorsing the road safety audit (RSA) for functional layout plan (FLP).
  3. Invoicing and recovery of DTP’s fees and charges. (Fee for service chargers)
  4. Reviewing interim and ultimate plans.
  5. Reviewing and endorsing the functional layout plan (FLP).
  6. Reviewing and endorsing the street lighting (Lux) plan,
  7. Reviewing and endorsing the traffic signal plan (TSP).

DTP project delivery – area of responsibility

  1. The establishment of the Works Agreement.
  2. Reviewing and endorsing the RSA for detailed design review (DDR)
  3. Invoicing and recovery of DTP’s fees and charges. (Fee for service chargers)
  4. Reviewing and endorsing the detailed design plans (civil construction).
  5. Reviewing and endorsing any other associated plans within the DTP road reserve. i.e. landscaping, noise attenuation walls, drainage etc.
  6. Reviewing and endorsing the street lighting (Lux) and electrical design plans.
  7. Reviewing the RSA for the completed works.
  8. Monitoring commissioning and assessing completion (PC & FC).
  9. Assessing the defect/warranty requirements and handover to DTP maintenance.

Applications are required to be sent to the correct contact point within DTP. (Please refer to the below map for further information).

Submitting your application

  1. Applicants are required to complete and submit the relevant application form in full to commence each step of the external works process. 
  2. DTP will acknowledge, review, and accept each application form.
  3. The customer (developer, council, service authority etc.) needs to ensure that it understands and agrees to its obligations.
  4. Once plans are endorsed, the external party will be advised to progress to the next step in the process.
  5. Please do not attempt to submit all application forms at once. 

Please ensure that all mandatory information requested on each form is submitted as part of your application.

Fees and charges

The fees charged by DTP vary with the complexity and context of each project and are subject to change from time to time to reflect DTP’s reasonable cost recovery for service.

They may be adjusted by DTP if the scope or complexity of a project changes. Any change in fees will be communicated with external parties. 

DTP seeks to recover the reasonable costs of its activities related to external works. 

Metropolitan applicants

Applicants for external works in metropolitan areas need to fill in the forms below. These forms cannot be downloaded and must be completed online.

Map of metropolitan areas

You can view a map of 31 municipalities that cover Melbourne's metropolitan area, with some extending into nearby rural areas. 

Note: As of July 2024 some areas of South Mitchell Shire are included within the metro region.

Existing pilot portal applicants

All existing pilot portal applicants in Metropolitan Melbourne are requested to use the electronic application forms in the links below. These forms are not downloadable and must be completed online.

All other Metropolitan Melbourne applicants

All other applicants for works in metropolitan areas are requested to download and complete the application forms supplied below, then email the completed forms to the Metropolitan external works mailbox: [email protected].

Please ensure you have submitted and provided all mandatory requirements.

Application forms

Regional applicants

Applicants for works in regional areas need to download and complete the forms below. Once completed, email the forms to [email protected]

Your application will be allocated to the appropriate regional DTP regional office and an officer will contact with you.

Map of regional areas

You can view a map of the regional areas that cover land in regional Victoria which lie outside of Melbourne's metropolitan area.

Existing pilot portal applicants

  1. Upon submission of your application, you'll receive a notification of your application.
    1. This notification will include a unique ID number for your application.
    2. This ID number isn't the DTP project number.
    3. Please allow up to 10 business days for processing your application.
  2. If your application is accepted, you'll receive an acceptance letter from DTP which will include a unique project number along with the assigned DTP traffic engineer details.
    1. Please use this unique project number when communicating with DTP for all correspondence related to this project.
    2. The acceptance letter will include the DTP assigned traffic engineer details who will be your primary contact reviewing your design and other associated mandatory requirements. 

All other Metropolitan Melbourne applicants

  1. Upon submission of your email application, you'll receive a notification of receipt of your application.
  2. For new projects, you'll be required to complete either the functional design application form or traffic signal design application form.
    1. Please ensure all mandatory items are submitted with your application.
    2. Please allow up to 10 business days for processing you application.
  3. If your application is accepted, you'll receive an acceptance letter from DTP which will include a unique project number along with the assigned DTP traffic engineer details.
    1. Please use this unique project number when communicating with DTP for all correspondence related to this project.
    2. The assigned DTP traffic engineer is your primary contact reviewing your design and other associated mandatory requirements. 

Regional applicants

  1. Upon submission of your email application, you'll receive a notification of your application.
  2. For new projects, you'll be required to complete either the functional design application form or traffic signal design application form.
    1. Please ensure all mandatory items are submitted with your application.
    2. Please allow up to 10 business days for processing you application.
  3. If your application is accepted, you'll receive an acceptance letter from DTP which will include a unique project number along with the assigned DTP traffic engineer details.
    1. Please use this unique project number when communicating with DTP for all correspondence related to this project.
    2. The assigned DTP traffic engineer is your primary contact reviewing your design and other associated mandatory requirements. 

Application tejection

In the instance your application is rejected, you'll be required resubmit a new application that addresses the DTP rejection comments.

Response times

Functional design review

  1. Please allow a minimum of 20 business days for functional design reviews (Subject to the complexity of the design and the quality of the design submission).
  2. Each subsequent design review requires a minimum of 20 business days subject to the consultant’s response and complexity of the design.

Traffic signal design review

  1. Please allow a minimum of 25 business days for traffic signal design reviews (Subject to the complexity of the design and the quality of the design submission).
  2. Each subsequent design review requires a minimum of 20 business days (Subject to the consultant’s response and complexity of the design). 

Detailed design review

If you've received a planning permit for the subdivision or development of land adjoining an arterial road, and as a condition(s) on that permit, you're required to construct certain roadworks (e.g. road widening, deceleration lane, traffic signals), then the detailed design drawings and specifications for the roadworks must be assessed as being to the satisfaction of DTP.

  1. Please allow a minimum of 20 business days for detailed design reviews (Subject to the complexity of the design and the quality of the design submission).
  2. Each subsequent detailed design review requires a minimum of 20 business days (Subject to the consultant’s response and complexity of the design). 

Construction requirements

A works manager must be nominated in accordance with the Road Management Act 2004. The works manager is the responsible party for ensuring that the requirements of the RMA 2009 are met.

For developer funded works being delivered through the external funded projects process there is a requirement to enter into a works agreement once the design is approved.

The developer is also required to obtain consent (or confirmation of exemption) prior to conducting any works within the road reserve. A Memorandum of Authority (MoA) is necessary for any traffic management to be placed within the road reserve.

All works must be completed in accordance with relevant standards and specifications with completed works being better than (or at least equivalent to) the previously existing condition. This must all be completed at no cost to DTP.

Developers are advised that adjacent or competing works (e.g. MRPV, Big Build, Maintenance, etc.), may impact DTP’s ability to endorse or approve applications in accordance with customer expectations and it is recommended that developers undertake their own due diligence to identify potential other works that could impact the local area.

Supervision of roadworks (certification)

If you're proposing to carry out roadworks in association with the subdivision or development of land adjoining an arterial road, and as a condition(s) on that permit, you are required to design and construct certain roadworks (eg road widening, deceleration lane, traffic signals) to the satisfaction of DTP.

An application for consent (including payment of the relevant consent application fee) must be sent to DTP. 

When issuing its written consent, DTP will include as part of any special conditions regarding the conduct of the works a requirement that ‘road safety audits' be undertaken to ensure that the works are carried out to DTP satisfaction and in accordance with any planning permit conditions, approved design drawings and specifications. 

Financial security (bank guarantee)

Before an external party commences works it will be required to provide DTP with up to two financial security bonds in the form of unconditional bank guarantees.

DTP will advise of the monetary value of the security bond(s) based on the value of the works within the road reserve, during the detailed design review stage.

Completion requirements

Works must be completed as soon as reasonably possible to minimise impact to the road network and to the community. 

Any delays must be notified to DTP immediately to support facilitation of completion and provide notification to affected parties. 

Upon completion, a representative of DTP will inspect the works and any required remediation must be undertaken in a timely manner. All works must be completed to the satisfaction of Head TfV meeting the Standards and Specifications supplied by DTP.

Financial security will be returned based on the assessment of completion and maybe withheld if works are required to be completed by DTP to maintain a safe and functional road network, associated with the works.