Testing of automated vehicles (ADS permit)
Anyone operating an automated vehicle with the ADS engaged (automated mode) in an ADS trial on Victorian roads must hold an ADS permit.
An ADS permit is required to operate an automated vehicle in automated mode for testing or development purposes.
You also need a permit if the automated mode is engaged as part of a trial designed to help road authorities understand the potential impacts of automated vehicles, such as trials with an infrastructure or road network management focus.
If you are looking to conduct a trial of automated driving technology in Victoria and require a permit, or if you are unsure whether you need a permit, please contact the Vehicle Safety and Technology team at [email protected] so we can assist you.
ADS permits
The purpose of the ADS permit scheme is to ensure that on-road trials of automated vehicles are conducted safely.
Permit holders are responsible for the actions of the vehicle and are deemed to be driving the vehicle while it’s in automated mode. Test drivers (vehicle supervisors) have similar obligations while the vehicle is in automated mode, to a licensed driver supervising a learner driver.
An ADS permit authorises:
- the permit holder to drive any automated vehicle specified in the permit
- a person named in the permit to be a vehicle supervisor
- an automated vehicle listed in the permit to participate in an ADS trial
All permits are subject to conditions which relate to the use of the vehicle, record keeping and reporting.
Trial guidelines
The Victorian Guidelines for Trials of Automated Vehicles (Victorian Guidelines) have been developed to provide practical guidance for ADS permit holders and potential applicants.
They are based on the principles developed by the National Transport Commission and Austroads in the Guidelines for Trials of Automated Vehicles in Australia, but address the Victorian-specific application requirements in detail.
They also provide information about obligations under other laws that may apply to ADS trials.
The Victorian Guidelines will be updated from time to time and published in the Government Gazette.
Current version: Published in Government Gazette, no. S421, Wednesday 12 September 2018
Applications and eligibility requirements
Permits are available to individuals and companies. To be eligible to apply for an ADS permit, the following criteria must be met:
- Companies - the company must be a corporation within the meaning of the Corporations Act 2001 of the Commonwealth, and not insolvent or an externally administered body within the meaning of that Act.
- Individuals - you must hold a full Australian driver licence.
Applicants must demonstrate they have the necessary processes in place to ensure the safety of the trial can be appropriately managed.
All applications must include a completed application form, Safety Management Plan that complies with the Victorian Guidelines and evidence of insurance against public liability for personal injury or damage to property in connection with the trial.
The best way to start the process is to contact us at [email protected]
Company applications
If you are applying on behalf of a company, you must also provide a letter of authority which authorises you to act on the company’s behalf. This must be on incorporated letterhead and include:
- Full company name and address
- Australian Company Number (ACN) or Australian Registered Body Number (ARBN), where applicable
- Name of person acting on behalf of the company
- List of activities that can be performed on behalf of the company (e.g. apply for and manage ADS permit related matters).
The letter must be signed by two company directors, or a director and company secretary. Where there is a sole director, the letter must be signed by that director.
Vehicle supervisors
To operate an automated vehicle in an ADS trial, a vehicle supervisor must:
- hold a current full driver licence (not probationary or learner) appropriate to the category of automated vehicle (e.g. car, light rigid etc.)
- meet Austroads fitness to drive requirements
- obey all Victorian road rules
- comply with all conditions of the ADS permit
- comply with any conditions imposed on their driver licence.
Incident reporting
Certain incidents that may pose significant safety or security risks during a trial are classed as serious incidents. Serious incidents are defined under the regulations and cover certain road rule breaches and other incidents which have the potential to result in serious harm.
ADS permit holders are required to complete and submit a Serious Incident Report within 24 hours of becoming aware of a serious incident. Report forms can be downloaded from the ‘Forms and documents’ section below.
We will review all reports received and take action if required. Some incidents will result in an automatic suspension of the permit as soon as we're notified.
Further information about serious incidents and the responsibilities of permit holders can be found in the Guidelines and automated driving system (ADS) permit scheme information document below.
Imported vehicles
If you want to import a vehicle for testing in Victoria, you need to contact the Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications.
We can help to facilitate the vehicle import process. You'll also need to submit a copy of your Vehicle Import Approval (VIA) to us with your permit application.
Forms, reports and documents
If you want to apply for an ADS permit, need to submit a report or are just looking for further information, please refer to the below documents or contact us at [email protected].