Road rules and safety

Vehicle safety features

Safety features might save your life in a crash, or prevent crashes altogether.

Use these key resources to  learn about vehicle safety and select the safest cars to your needs.

WebsiteInformation available
How safe is your car

Safety ratings for hundreds of new and used vehicle models

Details about safety features

Resources for making informed car purchasing decisions.

Australasian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP)Crash test results for hundreds of vehicles, based on internationally recognised crash tests, from Australasia's leading independent vehicle safety advocate.
Child car seats

Child restraint and booster seat ratings, including:

  • how well they protect a child in a crash
  • how easy they are to use.
Vehicle safety online courses

Free courses to help you better understand:

  • vehicle safety basics, including differences between safety ratings, common myths and what to look for when purchasing a car
  • ANCAP vehicle safety ratings
  • vehicle safety features.