Combined drink and drug driving offences
Find out about combined drink and drug-driving offences and how to get your licence back after an offence.
A combined drink and drug driving offence has higher penalties than an individual drink driving or drug driving offence.
You can be charged with combined drink and drug driving whether the offence was detected at the roadside (through a saliva screening test) or later through a blood or urine sample.
Licence cancellation/disqualification from driving
Not only will you be fined, you’ll also have your licence cancelled or be disqualified from driving for at least 12 months.
This can be for longer periods if, for example, you had a high BAC or it was a repeat offence. You can be cancelled/disqualified for up to five years, at the discretion of the Magistrates’ Court.
Vehicle impoundment
First time offenders may have their vehicle immediately impounded or immobilised by police for 30 days for BAC readings of .10 or more.
Repeat offenders may have their vehicle immediately impounded or immobilised by police for 30 days, plus additional time may be applied by the courts.
Complete an intensive behaviour change program
You’ll be required to complete an intensive drink and drug behaviour change program (BCP). If you’ve completed a BCP for a prior offence, you’ll need to do another BCP for this offence.
For more information, see behaviour change program or search for your nearest program provider.
Please note that there may be waiting times to attend a program.
Get a licence eligibility order
If your driver licence and/or learner permit has been cancelled because of a drug-driving offence or another drug related offence resulting in a licence cancellation or disqualification, you’ll be required to get a Licence Eligibility Order (LEO) from a Magistrates' Court.
To get a LEO, attend a Magistrates’ Court and arrange a hearing at least 28 days before your driver licence/learner permit cancellation ends. The court will fix a hearing date at least 28 days ahead, but not before your cancellation ends.
Alcohol interlocks
Before you apply to get your licence back, you’ll need to install an alcohol interlock in any vehicle you intend to drive. Your interlock service agent will also need to sign and complete an alcohol interlock installation certificate [PDF] as evidence that an approved interlock has been installed.
Once you have an interlock installed, present your alcohol interlock installation certificate provided to you by your installer, along with any BCP certificate and your id to a VicRoads office to have your licence re-issued.
Once you have an interlock installed and have your licence reissued, you’re automatically participating in the Victorian Alcohol Interlock Program (VAIP) and you can register to monitor your progress online, using the Alcohol Interlock Management System (AIMS).
Depending on the details of your offence, you will need an interlock for a minimum period of at least six months but may be up to four years.
You may also be required to complete a two-hour pre-interlock removal behaviour change program before applying to have your alcohol interlock licence condition removed. If you had to complete an intensive drink and drug driver program for your offence, to get your licence back, then you’ll need to complete the 2-hour pre-Interlock Removal Program.
Your interlock usage and removal will be managed by VicRoads.
Visit get an alcohol interlock installed for more information.
Getting your licence back
Once your cancellation period has ended and you have met all of your relicensing requirements such as completing the BCP and installing an alcohol interlock, you’ll need to visit a VicRoads Customer Service Centre to get your driver licence or learner permit reissued.
You’ll need to bring:
- the original licence eligibility order
- the original behaviour change program certificate of completion
- an alcohol interlock installation certificate [PDF]
- original evidence of identity documents
- the learner or licence application form
- the driver licence or learner permit reissue fee.
Licence conditions
Your 'I' and 'Z' conditions
When you get your licence reissued, it will have an ‘I’ and a ‘Z’ condition.
The ‘I’ stands for interlock and means that you must install and use an alcohol interlock to any vehicle you drive.
The ‘Z’ stands for ‘zero BAC’ and means that you must have a zero blood alcohol concentration whenever you drive.