Learner permit

myLearners FAQs

Find answers to frequently asked questions about the myLearners app.

Why can't I log into the app?

You may not have an active myVicRoads account, in which case you should choose ‘Register’ on the landing page which will take you to myVicRoads to sign up.

Check that your learner permit or driver licence is valid. Even if you have a myVicRoads account, you won’t be able to log in if your learner permit or licence isn’t valid.

View the myLearners app information sheet (PDF)

What if I've forgotten my password?

If you’ve forgotten your password you can reset it by going to myVicRoads, or using the link directly from the Login screen in the app. This will take you out of the app and into the myVicRoads website.

Does a driving instructor need to sign up for myVicRoads to approve trips?

Yes. They are considered the same as a supervising driving. To approve trips, they will need to have an active myVicRoads account.

How does a supervisor pair up with a learner?

The learner driver sends an invitation to the supervising driver from within the myLearners app. Alternatively, the supervisor can invite the learner too.

The invitation is sent to the supervisor or learner via email. Once the supervisor and/or learner accepts the invitation, they can register for myVicRoads (if they don’t already have an account) and then register for myLearners.

When the registration is complete, the supervisor and learner are now paired up to complete drives together.

How to respond to an invitation in the app?

When you receive an invitation and you have the app, the invitation will appear in your invitations tab under the RECEIVED heading.

  • You can accept the invitation by tapping on the green tick.
  • You can decline the invitation by tapping on the red cross.
  • If you accidentally decline the invitation, the person who sent it to you will need to send you another one.

How can a supervisor view and approve trip taken with their learner driver?

All drive trips can be viewed and approved via their myLearners account/app or through their myVicRoads account.

This can be found via the “drives” button at the bottom of the app, which provides a list of all the verified and unverified trips.

What if a driving instructor is teaching multiple learner drivers?

The myLearners app allows for an unlimited number of learner drivers to be listed in the supervising drivers account.

Instructors will also be able to view all their learner drivers at any time on a PC by logging into their myVicRoads account and clicking onto the myLearners icon.

Can a learner have more than one supervising driver?

Yes. The myLearners app allows a learner driver to have an unlimited number of supervising drivers.

However, a learner driver will still need to send an invitation to their supervising driver/s.

When 120 hours has been reached on the app, do they need to be sighted or signed off before going for your licence?

Once a learner has completed their 120 hours, they will be prompted to declare their 120 hours (with 20 night-time hours) before proceeding to the drive test.

The supervising driver who supervised the last drive will receive a notification that their learner has declared their hours. The supervisor must then also declare that the learner has completed their 120 hours.

This declaration should be done by the primary supervisor only if they believe their learner is competent, however, any supervisor who takes the learner over the 120 hours will be prompted. If a declaration is deferred, then the learner must take another drive to trigger the declaration again.

Are you having issues with transferring hours from log book app?

The first time you use your app, it will ask you how many hours you’ve already done. If you weren’t prompted to add your hours the first time using the app, you’ll need to head into a VicRoads customer service centre with your paper log book and the team can add these hours for you.

What do I do on the day of my drive test? How will I prove my declared hours?

When you go in for your drive test, our staff will look up your details in the staff portal to check your 120 hours. However, if some of your hours are in the paper log book, you’ll need to bring that along as well to be signed off.

Can a trip be entered manually if we have no service on our phones or the app does not start?

Yes, however only the supervisor who is linked to the learner through their myVicRoads account can submit a drive manually. Go to submit drive manually to learn more.

How can a supervisor view and approve trips taken with their learner driver?

All drive trips can be viewed and approved via their myLearners account/app or through their myVicRoads account. This can be found via the “drives” button at the bottom of the app, which provides a list of all the verified and unverified trips.

How does the app know when to record night time driving hours?

Night time hours are based on sunrise and sunset each day. These times will vary slightly each day, but the app is built to ensure consistency for everyone when recognising night time hours.

Night driving must be in dark conditions, when headlights are required to drive safely.    

Can the myLearners app be used for interstate driving practice?

Yes, however the supervising driver must be the holder of a full and valid Victorian driver licence.