Transport safety campaigns

Level crossing safety

A $1.75 million trial of rumble strips at road intersections and railway level crossings has been undertaken. Part of this trial was to study the effectiveness of rumble strips as a road safety countermeasure.

Rumble strip effectiveness at rural intersections and railway level crossings

ARRB Services was commissioned by VicRoads to investigate the effectiveness of rumble strips at rural intersections and at rail level crossings.

The research involved a before and after study at 28 treatment and control sites (14 rail level crossings and 14 intersections).

The final report was completed in December 2008.

Contract Report: Rumble strip effectiveness at rural intersections and railway level crossings

Driver behaviour in response to flashing red lights versus traffic lights at railway level crossings

VicRoads, on behalf of the Victorian Railway Crossing Safety Steering Committee, commissioned Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC) to compare driver behaviour at two active railway level crossing controls: red flashing lights vs. traffic lights.

The research involved 50 participants driving the MUARC advanced driving simulator for two separate 15 – minute drives.

The final report was completed in September 2009:

Contract report: Driver Behaviour in Response to Flashing Red lights Versus Traffic Lights at Railway Level Crossings [PDF 4.4 Mb]

Evaluation of Active Advance Warning Signs (AAWS) using existing installations

VicRoads, on behalf of the Victorian Railway Crossing Safety Steering Committee, commissioned ARRB to undertake a comparison study of the effectiveness of the active advance warning signs (AAWS) at level crossings in improving driver approach speed and compliance with level crossing controls.

The comparison study was undertaken at two similar level crossings controlled by flashing lights and boom barriers. One of the level crossings had AAWS installed while the other level crossing did not.

The final report was completed in March 2009:

Contract report: Evaluation of active advance warning signs (AAWS) using existing installations

Compliance with traffic signals at railway level crossings

VicRoads, on behalf of the Victorian Railway Crossing Safety Steering Committee, commissioned ARRB to investigate whether drivers of road vehicles showed better compliance with crossing requirements at active level crossings when traffic lights were used in advance of normal level crossing controls.

Road user compliance at conventional level crossing treatments, conventional level crossing treatments plus traffic lights and intersection traffic lights on the road network was compared.

The final report was completed in August 2009:

Contract report: Compliance with traffic signals at railway level crossings

Before and after evaluation of Active Advanced Warning Signs (AAWS) installed at the Cressy railway level crossing

On behalf of the Victorian Railway Crossing Safety Steering Committee, VicRoads commissioned ARRB to undertake a before and after evaluation study of the effectiveness of the installation of Active Advance Warning Signs (AAWS) at improving driver approach speeds and compliance with level crossing controls.
The study was undertaken at the Cressy railway level crossing over a four week period before and after the installation of the AAWS.
The final report was completed in February 2010.

Contract report: Before and after evaluation of active advance warning signs (AAWS) installed at the Cressy railway level crossing