
Marong Western Freight Corridor

We’re investigating options for the proposed future alignment of the Marong Western Freight Corridor at Marong.
Project status:


October 2024 update

We have nominated option five as the preferred alignment after examining a range of potential options for a future Marong Western Freight Corridor.

Determining a preferred alignment included consideration of findings from various technical studies, consultation with landowners, key stakeholders and government agencies, and a multi-criteria assessment.

While we identified option five as the preferred alignment, this is not a final decision. The alignment is still subject to a planning approval process which will be undertaken in the next phase of this project.

This is a planning project. There are currently no plans for the construction of a Marong Western Freight Corridor.

About option five

Option five connects the Calder Alternative Highway to the Calder highway (north-west of the township) via a corridor adjacent to the Wimmera Highway and McCreddons Road.

Diagram showing the preferred option for the  alignment of the western freight corridor in Marong

View larger version of the map.

Based on the assessment undertaken, option five has the lowest impact on biodiversity, land acquisition and areas of cultural and historic heritage sensitivity.

This option also provides greater traffic and heavy vehicle benefits and has a shorter construction route length.

Next steps

DTP will proceed with concept designs for the preferred alignment.

Further engagement with landowners will be undertaken as the project progresses and updates will be provided via this page.

Get in touch

Email: [email protected]

Call: 133 778