
High Street Melton intersection upgrades

We're upgrading three intersections on High Street in Melton to improve safety and traffic flow.

Project update - October 2024

High Street and Norton Drive

We’re completing the final asphalting and line marking works at the High Street and Norton Drive intersection.

As part of the intersection upgrade, a safer speed limit of 60km/h will be introduced on High Street in both directions between Melton Valley Drive and the Melton Highway roundabout. The new permanent 60km/h speed limit will help reduce the likelihood and the severity of road crashes and improve the road environment for everyone.

The new speed limit of 60km/h will become legally enforceable once the signs are installed and uncovered.

When to expect us 

Asphalting and line marking works are expected to commence Sunday 20 October and take approximately five nights to complete. Crews will be working nightly between 8pm and 5am. Sign installation works will be completed during the day, between 9:30am and 3:30pm.

Please note, asphalting works are subject to favourable weather conditions and require specific temperatures to complete. If we experience inclement weather overnight and cannot complete the works, they will be rescheduled to the following night. 

What to expect during night works

  • Eastbound lane closures on High Street, between 100m west of Norton Drive and Melton Highway, for the first two to three nights of works.  
  • Westbound lane closures on High Street, between Melton Highway and 100m west of Norton Drive, for the last three nights of works. During this time, access into and out of Norton Drive via High Street will be closed. Access to private properties will be maintained via Holland Drive. 
  • Detours will be in place via Melton Valley Drive, Federation Drive and Melton Highway. 
  • A reduced speed limit of 40km/h will be in place to keep workers and road users safe. 
  • Signage will be in place to safely guide you through the area.  
  • Electronic messaging boards will be displayed to confirm and update working times. 
  • Low to medium levels of noise. During night works, we’ll complete the noisiest works as early in the evening as possible. Crews use modern equipment to reduce noise, however the works will unavoidably emit some noise and light. 
  • Low amounts of dust and vibrations from construction vehicles. 


During sign installation works, you can expect lane closures and reduced speed limits in place to keep workers and road users safe.

We’re working with the power authority to establish a permanent power connection to the site. Temporary street lighting is in place until the new street lighting can be switched on.

High Street and Coburns Road

Major construction works are underway at the High Street and Coburns Road intersection. The eastern side of the intersection is open to traffic, and works have moved to the western side of the intersection.

The western side of High Street is closed at Coburns Road until mid-November 2024. 

Temporary pedestrian arrangements

High Street

The signalised pedestrian crossing between Coburns Central and Melton Secondary College is closed and will be permanently removed during works. 

Pedestrians will be detoured to a temporary pedestrian crossing approximately 60m west of the signalised crossing during works. 

When the west side of High Street is reopened to traffic, pedestrians will be able to cross at the new pedestrian crossings at the intersection.

James Cook Drive

We’ve installed a temporary signalised pedestrian crossing on James Cook Drive near the southern side of Empress Way, in response to community feedback.

The temporary signalised pedestrian crossing will remain in place while James Cook Drive is a vehicle detour route for the High Street and Coburns Road intersection upgrade. It will be activated by pedestrians waiting to cross James Cook Drive and can be used at any time of the day and night.

A reduced speed limit of 40km/h is in place on James Cook Drive on approach to the temporary signalised pedestrian crossing. 

We encourage everyone including students at Melton Secondary College to use the temporary signalised pedestrian crossing to safely cross James Cook Drive.

Current traffic conditions 

  • The western side of High Street is closed at Coburns Road.
  • The northbound lanes on Coburns Road at the intersection are closed, with two-way traffic maintained via the southbound lanes. A temporary roundabout is in place to direct traffic.
  • Light vehicle detour via Coburns Road, Barries Road, James Cook Drive and West Melton Drive.
  • Heavy vehicle detour via the Western Freeway and Melton Highway, south of Coburns Road.
  • All driveway accesses to private properties and businesses, including Woodgrove Shopping Centre and Coburns Central remain open.
  • Access to Melton Secondary College, Melton Specialist School and Melton West Primary School is maintained.
  • A reduced speed limit of 40km/h is in place to keep workers and road users safe.
  • A signed pedestrian detour near the work site is in place.
  • A temporary pedestrian crossing is in place on James Cook Drive near the southern side of Empress Way. A reduced speed limit of 40km/h is in place on approach to the temporary signalised pedestrian crossing. 
  • Traffic management controllers and signage on site to safely guide you through the area.
  • Low to medium levels of noise. During night works, we’ll complete the noisiest works as early in the evening as possible. Crews use modern equipment to reduce noise, however the works will unavoidably emit some noise and light.
  • Low amounts of dust and vibrations from construction vehicles.

When to expect us

Crews will be on-site between 7am and 5pm, Mondays to Saturdays. No works will be undertaken during the day on Sundays or on public holidays. 

Crews will be working intermittently at night to minimise disruptions to traffic and keep crews safe. Night works will take place between 8pm and 5am, Sundays to Thursdays. 

Please note, these dates and times are subject to favourable weather conditions.

Detour maps – west side of High Street closed

Light vehicles 

Image of detour map for light vehicle during the High Street Melton intersection upgrade

View a larger version of the detour map

Heavy vehicles

Image of detour map for heavy vehicles during the High Street Melton intersection upgrade

View a larger version of the detour map


Image of map showing the detour route for pedestrians during the works on High Street Melton

View a larger version of the detour map

Changes to buses during works

During works, the following bus stops will be temporarily closed:

  • The eastbound and westbound bus stops at Joyce St/High St.
  • The northbound and southbound bus stops at Coburns Rd/Barries Rd.
  • The northbound and southbound bus stops at Melton Secondary College/Coburns Rd.

PTV buses on routes 453, 455, 456, 457 and 458 will use an alternative detour route on approach to the High Street and Coburns Road intersection. 

For more information please visit the PTV website(External link).

Access to schools during works

Access to Melton Secondary College, Melton Specialist School and Melton West Primary School will be maintained during all stages of works. Traffic management controllers will be on site to keep drivers moving. Please allow additional travel time, particularly during peak times.

Melton City Council roadworks on Bulmans Road

We’re working closely with Melton City Council to minimise traffic disruptions as much as possible, while major roadworks are underway at the High Street and Coburns Road intersection, and while Council improve Bulmans Road.

Plan ahead and allow extra time when travelling through Melton and Melton West. We will continue to monitor traffic movements during works.

Shop local during works

While we work to upgrade the High Street and Coburns Road intersection, your favourite Melton businesses are open and trading as usual. Access to local shops including Woodgrove Shopping Centre and Coburns Central remain open during works.

Your local community services including medical centres and practitioners also remain open during works.

What’s next

Works on the western side of High Street are expected to be completed by mid-November. Once construction works at the western side of the intersection are complete, it will open to traffic and remaining works will be completed with lane closures in place.

We’ll keep the community informed about works as they progress. Works at the High Street and Coburns Road intersection are expected to be completed by early 2025.

High Street and Holland Drive 

Works at the High Street and Holland Drive intersection are complete. We’re working with the power authority to establish a permanent power connection to the site. We have installed temporary street lighting until the new street lighting can be switched on.

Image of map showing the intersections as part of the Melton intersection upgrades project

View a larger version of the map

What we’re doing

High Street and Coburns Road 

We’re replacing the existing roundabout and installing new traffic lights at the High Street and Coburns Road intersection to make it safer and easier to travel through the intersection.

Improvements of the intersection upgrade include:

  • new traffic lights.
  • new signalised pedestrian crossings.
  • new dedicated turning lanes and new lane configuration.
  • new raised safety platform and traffic islands.
  • upgraded street lighting and line marking.
  • improved drainage and kerbs.
  • complete asphalt resurfacing.
  • tree and vegetation trimming and removals.

Changes to vehicle movements 

We’re constructing a dedicated right-turn lane from Coburns Road to High Street to improve safety at the intersection. Drivers are no longer be permitted to turn right in or out of Carina Drive at the southern intersection at Coburns Road.

To travel north from the southern end of Carina Drive, drivers will need to turn left onto Coburns Road and make a U-turn at the High Street intersection when it is safe to do so.

There are no changes to access at the northern end of Carina Drive.


We need to remove approximately 50 trees to allow enough room for the new traffic lights and to improve visibility at the intersection.

Artist’s impressions

Click on the green buttons below to see the artist’s impressions of the improvements at High Street and Coburns Road as before and after sliders.

Close view the intersection

Before and after (External link)

View from Coburns Road

Before and after(External link)

View from High Street

Before and after(External link)

High Street and Norton Drive

We have installed new traffic lights and signalised pedestrian crossings at the intersection of High Street and Norton Drive to make travelling safer and easier. 

Improvements include:

  • new traffic lights.
  • new signalised pedestrian crossings.
  • new traffic islands.
  • improved drainage and kerbing.
  • complete asphalt resurfacing.
  • new line markings and updated lane configuration.
  • upgraded street lighting.
  • tree and vegetation trimming and removals.

As part of this project, we’ve completed minor road widening at the High Street and Holland Drive intersection to cater for turning heavy vehicles. 

Changes to vehicle movements

To improve safety at the High Street and Norton Drive intersection, the right exit from Melton Gateway will no longer be permitted. Drivers will be able to turn left onto High Street and use the roundabout at Melton Highway to travel towards Melton. 

We’re constructing new traffic islands to improve safety by separating traffic lanes and providing a safe refuge for crossing pedestrians. Due to space constraints, heavy vehicles longer than 19 metres (including B-Doubles) will no longer be permitted to turn left from High Street to Norton Drive. Left turn access to the industrial estate will be available at the Holland Drive and High Street intersection.

The right turn from High Street onto Norton Drive and exits from Norton Drive to High Street will still be permitted for long vehicles. 

Speed limit change

We’re reducing the speed limit on High Street between Melton Valley Drive and Melton Highway from 70km/h to 60km/h to improve safety. The speed limit change will be implemented once construction works at the Norton Drive intersection are complete. 


We need to remove approximately 33 trees to allow for the safety improvements at the intersection of High Street and Norton Drive. 

Artist’s impressions

Click on the green buttons below to see the artist’s impressions of the improvements at High Street and Norton Drive as before and after sliders.

Close view the intersection 

Before and after(External link)

View from High Street 

Before and after(External link)

View from Norton Drive

Before and after(External link)

Shop local during works

While we complete these important upgrade works on High Street in Melton, it’s business as usual for local traders. Shop local during works and support local businesses. We appreciate your patience while we deliver these important safety upgrades.

Download a printable poster here

Contact us

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If you’d like further information on the project you can email us at [email protected] or call 13 11 70.