
Green Triangle freight routes in south-west Victoria

The Australian and Victorian governments are committed to delivering upgrades in the Green Triangle region.
Project status:


The Green Triangle region is a key freight route linking south-western Victoria, the Port of Portland, and the South Australian border. 

Upgrades will improve road safety for all road users and better connect people with jobs and services, and goods to market.

Map of Green Triangle freight route

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Bridge upgrades

We’re upgrading key bridges on the Henty Highway to provide greater reliability and to cater for High Productivity Freight Vehicles moving to/from key locations including the Port of Portland. Projects include:

Road improvements

We’ve completed road improvements to provide a safer and smoother journey for road users at the following locations:

Henty Highway

  • North of Branxholme
  • Condah
  • Hamilton
  • Myamyn
  • Portland

Portland-Casterton Road

  • Three locations, north of Drumborg

Princes Highway

  • Three locations, Lyons

Vegetation management

We’re continuing targeted vegetation management

to improve freight clearance and sight lines at key intersections across Henty Highway, Portland-Nelson Road and Portland-Casterton Road. 


The Green Triangle spans about six million hectares in south-western Victoria.

There has been a significant increase in heavy vehicle traffic in this area through industries such as forestry, wind farms, mineral sands and dairy production. 

Feedback provided by local governments, key industries and community help us prioritise projects delivered across south-western Victoria, to meet future demands of heavier and wider high performance freight vehicles.

We will continue to monitor and maintain our roads to help keep communities connected, freight moving and roads safe.

Get in touch

Call: 133 778

Email: [email protected]