
Frankston Freeway noise walls replacement in Seaford

We’re replacing two sections of noise walls on the western side of the Frankston Freeway in Seaford as part of the Metropolitan Melbourne Maintenance Program.

Project status:


What we're doing

Ongoing assessments have found that two sections of noise walls on the western side of the Frankston Freeway inbound between Seaford Road and Bennett Court, require replacement.

As part of these works, we will be removing the posts and panels of the existing timber noise wall and installing new galvanised steel posts and noise wall panels.

The new noise walls will be made from recycled material to provide residents with stronger and more sustainable noise protection into the future.

We will also be removing or pruning trees and vegetation within the road reserve to allow us to safely remove and replace the noise walls. Landscaping will be done once the works have been completed to improve the environment within the road reserve and deter graffiti.

When to expect us

Stage 1 – between Inverness Street and the Frankston Freeway on-ramp

Works are underway in the road reserve behind properties on Hunt Drive and Francis Street to gradually remove and replace noise walls.

Crews are on site between 7am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. We expect to complete these works in late February 2024.

Stage 2 – between Bennett Court and Greaves Court

We’ll be working in the road reserve between Francis Street and the Frankston Freeway to gradually remove and replace noise walls.

Crews will be on site from mid-February 2024 until March 2024.

We’re currently finalising our delivery schedule and will be back in touch with the community closer to the start of works with construction impacts.

Find out more

For further information, please email: [email protected]