Beaufort Bypass
We prepared an Environment Effects Statement (EES) for a potential Western Highway bypass of Beaufort.
At this stage all funds allocated are for planning purposes only, no funding has been committed for construction.
Update - May 2024
The Department of Transport and Planning has formally submitted the Planning Scheme Amendment (PSA) request to the Minister for Planning, following a review of the Minister’s assessment of the Beaufort Bypass Environmental Effects Statement (EES), and the Beaufort Bypass Inquiry and Advisory Committee (IAC) report.
The PSA request, once approved, will apply the Public Acquisition Overlay over the C2 alignment in the Pyrenees Planning Scheme.
An update will the posted on this website when the PSA request has been approved by the Minister for Planning.
The Minister for Planning released the EES assessment and the IAC report in November 2023. The documents are available here.
EES Process
The Victorian Minister for Planning declared that an EES was required for the bypass planning project under the Environment Effects Act (EEA) 1978 on 22 July 2015.
The EES process informed decision-making on the bypass planning project under Victorian legislation.
We prepared the EES and draft Planning Scheme Amendment (C50pyrn), which the Minister for Planning allowed to be exhibited for public comment/submissions.
The EES:
- identified how the project planned to avoid, reduce and manage environmental impacts
- discussed how the primary approvals followed the EES process
Public Exhibition
The EES and draft PSA C50pyrn were on exhibition for public review and comment between 28 March 2022 and 13 May 2022.
During this time, members of the public made written submissions on the EES and draft PSA. Submissions were made directly to Planning Panels Victoria (PPV). The submission process was independently collected by PPV.
The EES and draft PSA documents are available to read at the bottom of this page.
Inquiry and Advisory Committee (IAC) process
The Minister for Planning appointed the Beaufort IAC under the Environment Effects Act 1978 and Planning and Environment Act 1987 to advise on the Beaufort bypass EES, draft PSA C50pyrn and the submissions received on the proposed Beaufort Bypass project.
The IAC reviewed the EES, draft PSA and public submissions, and reviewed and considered the environmental effects of the bypass planning project in accordance with its Terms of Reference.
The IAC held a Directions Hearing on 17 June 2022 where the necessary arrangements and timetable for the public hearing were established.
The IAC held a Public Hearing between Tuesday 26 July 2022 and 8 August 2022 for the Beaufort bypass EES and draft PSA C50pyrn.
The IAC considered all submissions, presentations and evidence to inform its report which was submitted to the Minister for Planning in October 2022.
For more information about the Hearing, visit the Engage Victoria website.
Planning Scheme Amendment (PSA)
A draft PSA C50pyrn affecting the Pyrenees Planning Scheme was prepared and included in the exhibited documents (EES Attachment VI).
The draft PSA will enable the bypass planning project to be implemented in accordance with conditions contained within an incorporated document without the need for further planning permission. The PSA also includes Public Acquisition Overlay (PAO) to reserve land for road purposes and to enable that land to be acquired for the bypass planning project, should it be funded for construction in the future.
Submissions on the draft PSA were invited during the Public Exhibition period.
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC) process
On 24 February 2021, the Federal Minister for the Environment determined that the bypass planning project is a ‘controlled action’ as it is likely to have a significant impact on Matters of National Environmental Significance (MNES), which are protected under the EPBC Act.
Submissions on the matters assessed for the purposes of the relevant provisions under the EPBC Act, were invited during the Public Exhibition period.
After considering the Victorian Minister for Planning’s assessment under the EEA, the Federal Minister for the Environment will then make a decision as to whether to approve the controlled action application for the Project under the EPBC Act.
More information
Read the Beaufort bypass EES consultation plan
Department of Transport and Planning
For more information about the Beaufort Bypass, EES documentation and the draft PSA email [email protected] or call 133 778.
For information relating to the EES process, please visit Planning Victoria website, call the Impact Assessment Unit at DTP on (03) 8392 5503 or email [email protected].
Planning Panels Victoria (PPV)
For information about the IAC process, please call Planning Panels Victoria on 136 186 or email [email protected]
EES and draft PSA documentation
EES Summary Document
EES chapters
- Beaufort Bypass EES Chapter 00 - Executive Summary
- Beaufort Bypass EES Chapter 01 - Introduction
- Beaufort Bypass EES Chapter 02 - Rational & Benefits
- Beaufort Bypass EES Chapter 03 - Project Alternatives
- Beaufort Bypass EES Chapter 04 - Project Description
- Beaufort Bypass EES Chapter 05 - Legislation
- Beaufort Bypass EES Chapter 06 - EES Assessment Framework
- Beaufort Bypass EES Chapter 07 - Consultation
- Beaufort Bypass EES Chapter 08 - Traffic
- Beaufort Bypass EES Chapter 09 - Biodiversity & Habitat
- Beaufort Bypass EES Chapter 10 - Cultural Heritage
- Beaufort Bypass EES Chapter 11 - Catchment Values & Hydrology
- Beaufort Bypass EES Chapter 12 - Social
- Beaufort Bypass EES Chapter 13 - Land Use & Economics
- Beaufort Bypass EES Chapter 14 - Amenity
- Beaufort Bypass EES Chapter 15 - Landscape & Visual
- Beaufort Bypass EES Chapter 16 - Soil & Geology
- Beaufort Bypass EES Chapter 17 - Environmental Management Framework
- Beaufort Bypass EES Chapter 18 - Conclusion
EES Technical Appendices
- Appendix A – Beaufort Bypass Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment
- Appendix B – Beaufort Bypass Air Quality Impact Assessment
- Appendix C – Beaufort Bypass Flora and Fauna Impact Assessment
- Appendix C – Beaufort Bypass Flora and Fauna Impact Assessment Appendices
- Appendix D – Beaufort Bypass Groundwater Impact Assessment
- Appendix E – Beaufort Bypass Historic Heritage Impact Assessment
- Appendix F – Beaufort Bypass Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
- Appendix G – Beaufort Bypass Planning and Landuse Impact Assessment
- Appendix H – Beaufort Bypass Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment
- Appendix I – Beaufort Bypass Regional Economy Impact Assessment
- Appendix J – Beaufort Bypass Social Impact Assessment
- Appendix K – Beaufort Bypass Soils and Geology Impact Assessment
- Appendix L – Beaufort Bypass Surface Water Impact Assessment
- Appendix M – Beaufort Bypass Traffic and Transport Impact Assessment
EES Attachments
- Attachment I Consultation Report
- Attachment II Environmental Risk Assessment
- Attachment III Functional Design
- Attachment IV Options Assessment Report
- Attachment V Draft Planning Scheme Amendment
Other projects in the area
For more information about the Western Highway duplication, visit the Victoria's Big Build website.
To find out more about the planning for a Western Highway bypass of Ararat, visit the Ararat bypass planning study page.
Get in touch
If you have any questions about this project, please get in touch.
Email: [email protected]
Call: 133 778