Contact us
Tow truck complaints
Information on what to do if you have a complaint about a tow truck operator.
Try to resolve your complaint with the towing operator first.
If the issue can't be resolved between you and the towing operator, you can contact us to lodge a complaint.
Accident towing complaints
Accident towing is when a vehicle has been in a car crash and can’t be driven away.
You can lodge a complaint by:
- Phone: (03) 9881 8787
- Email: download and complete the tow truck complaint form (PDF) and email it to [email protected]
- Mail: post your completed tow truck complaint form (PDF) to:
Accident Towing Administrator
GPO Box 2392
Melbourne VIC 3001
What happens next
We will contact you when your complaint has been finalised. For privacy reasons, we can't give you details on how your complaint has been resolved.
If you're unhappy with the outcome, you can contact the Victorian Ombudsman.
Trade towing complaints
For trade towing complaints (vehicle breakdowns), visit Consumer Affairs Victoria.