Technical and design services

Technical engineering services

Technical Services is the centre of technical engineering expertise within Department of Transport and Planning.

Our areas of expertise include the following.

Freeways and major roads

We provide preliminary and detailed design services, including the management and coordination of bridge, landscape, traffic engineering, drainage and road safety aspects, and various specialist sub-consultant contracts as required to deliver complete freeway and major road projects.

Rural and minor roads

We have extensive experience and the skills to design new roads and improvements in regional areas.

Bridges and road-related structures

We offer a broad range of design and advisory services for:

  • bridges
  • retaining walls
  • culverts
  • pedestrian bridges and subways
  • sign structures
  • bridge barriers.

Our Structures asset management services include the development of standards, structural inspection, load assessment and testing, and providing advice on strengthening and rehabilitation/restoration.

Geotechnical services

We provide specialist services in all aspects of geotechnical and road making material services including alignment investigations, quarry rock source accreditation and roadside risk assessment.

Pavement technology services

We provide services in pavement engineering and surfacing including:

  • pavement design (for new pavements and rehabilitation treatments for existing pavements)
  • pavement testing (such as pavement strength testing, skid resistance testing and materials and subgrade investigations)
  • development and review of technical specifications, test methods and codes of practice
  • road surfacing treatments, road marking materials and audit and surveillance of road surfacing and line marking operations
  • pavement asset management including development of maintenance strategies and selection of appropriate treatments.

Concrete, Steel and Laboratory Services

We provide a range of specialist testing services, technical advice on construction materials, and specialist technical surveillance and audit services for laboratory testing, concrete production, steel fabrication and coating for new and remedial infrastructure works.

Roadside landscape, horticulture and urban design

We provide integrated designs for the delivery of quality, environmentally responsive design solutions.

We provide advice on:

  • ecological-horticultural issues
  • water-sensitive road and urban design
  • road-based public transport models
  • integration of landscape and architectural elements.

Traffic engineering

We offer services in:

  • traffic network and intersection analysis
  • modelling and simulation
  • functional review and design of intersections
  • signal layouts
  • signs and marking schemes (including sign face design)
  • quality and road safety audits
  • advice on current standards.

CADD and engineering information management

We provide advice and training on the use of Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) and associated design systems.

We can make available a vast range of drawings and information on roads, bridges and other structures throughout Victoria, using sophisticated search tools.

Design standards, manuals notes

You can download documents from the technical search page that provide technical guidance, including guidelines, technical notes and codes of practice for those involved in assisting us to develop and maintain the state's declared road network.