Getting permission for your event
To hold an event or to film on a road in Victoria, you will need to get permission from either Department of Transport and Planning or the relevant municipal council.
Who to get permission from
Department of Transport and Planning
Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) is responsible for the management of all major roads and freeways in Victoria (except tollways).
If your event impacts a major road, you will need to apply for a permit from us. We take into consideration safety, traffic congestion and traffic impacts and effects of all non-road activities.
Municipal councils
If your event only impacts local roads, you should contact the relevant municipal council.
See our maps of declared roads to help you determine the responsible authority for the roads involved. As a general guide, VicRoads is responsible for roads coloured green, black and red in a Melway street directory.
Events requiring road rules exemptions
Regardless of the type of road, DPT's permission will be necessary if the event requires exemptions from the road rules or other laws. For example:
- parades often require an exemption to allow adult passengers to travel without seat belts
- any type of race on a road, speed trials and events requiring pedestrians or cyclists on freeways may require additional permissions
- any use of an unregistered, modified or specialist vehicles for filming will also require DTP's permission.
Applying for a permit
For all event and filming applications you will need to complete the non-road activity application form and submit it to the relevant DTP metro or regional office.
Application to conduct a non-road activity on a highway (PDF).
To ensure that you receive your permit in time, it is important that you provide all the necessary details and documents as soon as possible.
Please note, DTP has introduced the temporary traffic management accreditation program, which requires companies carrying out traffic management activities on DTP managed road network to be accredited. This requirement is only mandatory for memorandum of authorisation (MoA) permits related to roadworks.
Events are managed through a different process to these types of MoA permits.
The assessment of applications for events, and the traffic management plans that accompany them, are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and can be exempted from these requirements if deemed safe and in the best interests of the community.
We will be in touch with you if we need any further details to assess your application.
If you are unsure about what information you need to provide with your application, refer to our event application checklist (DOCX) or contact us to discuss the requirements.
Limitations of permits
Event can't take place until the necessary permits have been issued, and any required exemptions from laws have been granted.
In extraordinary circumstances (such as an emergency), DTP reserves the right to withdraw approval to conduct an event at any time.
DTP requires a complete permit application to be submitted at least 60 days before the date of the event.
Application fees
DTP may charge an application fee but will waive that fee if the application is for, or on behalf of, a charitable body as defined in regulation 34 of the Road Safety (Traffic Management) Regulations 2019. However:
- if an exemption from laws is required, it will usually need to be published in the Victoria Government Gazette. Publication fees apply, and will be charged directly to the event organiser. Details of fees are available at the Victoria Government Gazette website.
- Department of Transport and Planning may charge a fee for surveillance of an event to ensure that traffic management is being appropriately undertaken, or to ensure that the road condition is adequate for the event. Department of Transport and Planning will notify you if such a fee applies to your event. (Fees can be charged under section 123 of the Road Management Act 2004).
Who you need to notify
Victoria Police
You will need to notify Victoria Police about the event and you may need to obtain a highway events permit from the police.
Please note that Victoria Police requires two months' notice for such permits.
Transport Accident Commission (TAC)
The TAC is unable to pay compensation to a person who is injured or dies as a result of a transport accident involving a motor vehicle or pedal cycle which was taking part in, or in a test in preparation for, an organised motor vehicle/pedal cycle race or speed trial.
However, the TAC can issue an exemption from this if the rules of the race, test or speed trial require it to be conducted in accordance with the Road Safety Act 1986 (Vic) and the regulations applying under the Act; and where the TAC has certified in writing, in relation to that race, test or speed trial, the circumstances and conditions under which the TAC can pay compensation.
To be issued with a Race/Speed trial exemption certificate, you should apply to the TAC at the same time as you submit information to Department of Transport and Planning.
For further information, please visit the TAC website.
Events contacts
For Metropolitan Melbourne area ( Metro South East and Metro North West Regions) email: [email protected]
For rural regions contact the respective VicRoads Regional Offices:
- Gippsland : [email protected]
- Barwon South West: [email protected]
- Hume: [email protected]
- Grampians: [email protected]
- Loddon Mallee: [email protected]
VicRoads requires generally a minimum of 5 business days to process a filming application. We understand that sometimes a schedule may change due to unforeseen circumstances. We will always try to accommodate your request, however in some situations this may not be possible.
Read a guide to filming on Victorian roads (DOCX) to gain a full understanding of the guidelines, requirements and process of applying for a permit to film on Victorian roads.
Filming contact
Email: [email protected]