Freeway service centre development
The purpose of a Freeway Service Centre is to provide essential services and facilities to motorists.
General requirements for Freeway Service Centres
Planning approval
Proposals for the development of Freeway Service Centres requires Town Planning permission from local councils in the same way as other commercial developments. Visit the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website for more information.
Freeway Service Centres are governed by Clause 52.30 of the Victoria Planning Provisions which outlines minimum requirements including such matters as car parking and signs.
Getting planning approval does not constitute an approval for access to a freeway.
Access agreement
Under the Road Management Act, VicRoads consent is required for road works. Direct freeway access is subject to an Access Agreement with VicRoads. The Access Agreement will be subject to the developer obtaining all necessary planning approvals.
Developers will, amongst other things, be required to satisfy VicRoads that the spacing of access ramps from existing interchanges and any other access ramps will not compromise the efficient and safe operation of the freeway. Exit and entry ramps must satisfy current freeway design standards. The minimum distance between ramp tapers of adjacent Service Centres will be such that advance advisory signs are not confusing to motorists.
Contact us
- Call Department of Transport and Planning on 13 11 71 for the relevant Regional Office.
- View office locations and opening hours.