Designing loading zones
Loading zones are provided to allow the pick up or delivery of loads or people close to their destination. They are not provided for short term parking.
What are they all about?
You can stop in a loading zone for up to 30 minutes (or as otherwise signed) if you are dropping off, or picking up goods or passengers and meet the following conditions.
People carrying goods must drive a:
- goods-carrying vehicle
- courier or signed delivery vehicle
- truck which is dropping off or picking up goods
People carrying passengers must drive a:
- bus or vehicle which has seating positions for 10, 11 or 12 adults (including the driver) that is being used to carry passengers for hire or reward
- public bus
- licensed commercial passenger vehicles such as taxis, hire cars or other special purpose vehicles
Other drivers must not stop in a loading zone, even if loading or unloading.
Loading zone time limits
Loading zone signs may have 15, 30 minute or hourly time limits. Where no time limit is displayed, a default time limit of 30 minutes applies. Loading zones can only be used while loading or unloading. However, under no circumstances can the time limit be exceeded.
Signs for delivery & courier vehicles
The signs on delivery and courier sedans, station wagons, motorcycles and similar vehicles must meet the following specifications.
- A business, company name or courier sign (with or without other words or symbols) must appear in letters at least 50 mm high and be of proportional width.
- Signs must be in clear contrast with the background and clearly legible from five metres.
- Signs must be permanently marked on both sides of the motor vehicle body. Permanent adhesive signs are permitted. Magnetic signs, or signs placed on windows or roof racks are not acceptable. For a motorbike, the signs can be on both sides or the rear.
What if my sign doesn't come up to size?
A friendly warning for business sedan and station wagon drivers: if your sign doesn't come up to size - or you don't have signage at all - you risk being booked. If you don't have signs on your sedan or station wagon, use 1/4 hour or other standard parking areas for the picking up or delivery of loads.
Loading zone guidelines
The current Road Rules do not allow hire cars to use loading zones, therefore making the Guidelines inconsistent with the Road Rules. The Road Rules will be amended to address this inconsistency.
Recent changes made to the Regulations include:
- in 2007-08, the fine for unlawful parking is one penalty unit $110.12. From 1 July 2004 the Treasurer may by notice published in the Government Gazette fix once each financial year the fee unit and the penalty unit, and
- allowing commercial passenger vehicles licensed under the Transport Integration Act to stop in a loading zone to drop off, or pick up, passengers and/or goods.
For further enquiries, call Department of Transport and Planning on 13 11 71.