Fees, charges and financial securities
The Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) seeks to recover the full cost of its activities related to external works.
Assessment of detailed design drawings and specifications for roadworks
If you have received a planning permit for the subdivision or development of land adjoining an arterial road, and as a condition(s) on that permit, you are required to construct certain roadworks (e.g. road widening, deceleration lane, traffic signals), then the detailed design drawings and specifications for the roadworks must be assessed as being to the satisfaction of DTP.
The Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) seeks to recover the full cost of its activities related to external works.
Fees and charges
The fees charged by DTP vary with the complexity and context of each project.
They are subject to change from time to time to reflect DTP’s service, and may be adjusted by DTP if the scope or complexity of a project changes.
Any change in fees will be communicated with external parties.
To undertake the 'assessment' process in compliance with the permit condition(s), you may either:
- pay a pre-estimated charge to engage DTP services to conduct the assessment on your behalf of the roadworks detailed design drawings and specifications, or alternatively
- engage a DTP pre-qualified consultant yourself to conduct the roadworks design and specification assessment.
The DTP 'assessment' charge (which will be reviewed annually) ranges from $4,400 (for minor rural arterial roadworks with a value generally less than $50,000) up to $18,880 (for major urban arterial roadworks with a value greater than $150,000).
For large, complex projects, charges will be determined on an individual project basis.
Supervision of roadworks
If you're proposing to carry out roadworks in association with the subdivision or development of land adjoining an arterial road, and as a condition(s) on that permit, you're required to construct certain roadworks (eg road widening, deceleration lane, traffic signals), an application for consent (including payment of the relevant consent application fee) must be sent to DTP.
When issuing its written consent, DTP will include as part of any special conditions regarding the conduct of the works a requirement that 'certification audits' be undertaken to ensure that the works are carried out to DTP satisfaction and in accordance with any planning permit conditions, approved design drawings and specifications.
To undertake the 'certification audits', you may either:
- pay a pre-estimated charge to engage DTP services to conduct certification audits of the proposed roadworks on your behalf; or alternatively
- engage a surveillance service provider yourself, as agreed by DTP, to conduct the certification audits.
The 'certification audits' charge (which will be reviewed and indexed annually) ranges from $4,500 (for minor rural arterial roadworks with a value generally less than $50,000) up to $8,660 (for major urban arterial roadworks with a value greater than $150,000). For large, complex projects, charges will be determined on an individual project basis.
Financial security
Before an external party commences works it will be required to provide DTP with some form of financial security (eg a bank guarantee).
DTP will advise of the nature and size of the security during the detailed design review step.